
Duplicity I

Duplicity I

A friend of many years' acquaintance showed me the duplicity of myself. And, midst guilt and anxiety, I came to see that duplicity often shows itself forth in semblance of sincerity. Then a dream informed me that SINCERITY IV, which I had just completed, was such a semblance. The dream ended with the word "Duplicity" scratched white across the clos..

Nataly Fish

Duplicity III

Duplicity III

The final Duplicity film does seem at resolve with the term. All previous visual manifestations have been extended to their limits, through four-roll superimpositions. Obvious costumes and masks. Drama as an ultimate bid for truth, and totemic recognition of human and animal life-on-earth dominate all the evasions a duplicity otherwise affords.

Nataly Fish

Duplicity II

Duplicity II

This, the second film of the continuing autobiographical Duplicity series, is composed of superimpositions much as the mind "dupes" remembered experience into some semblance of, say, composed surety rather than imbalanced accuracy - as thought may even warp "scene" into symmetry, or "face" into multitudinous mask. What will have been becomes what w..

Nataly Fish



L'officier de la CIA Claire Stenwick et l'agent des services secrets britanniques Ray Koval ont quitté leurs fonctions gouvernementales pour le monde bien plus lucratif des affaires où une véritable guerre froide sévit entre deux multinationales. Leur mission ? Obtenir le premier la formule d'un produit qui rapportera une fortune à son entrepr..

Nataly Fish



Alice Minville est infirmière au Canada. Elle est en pleine tournée dans le grand Nord lorsque sa mère meurt dans un accident de voiture. Quand elle apprend la nouvelle, quatre jours ont passé et le corps a été transféré en France sur les conseils du mari de Suzanne.

Nataly Fish

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