


Things are changing for Mik. His world has been turned upside down by the sudden death of his older brother forcing him to redefine his place in his family. The one solid thing in Mik's life is his best friend Dan. But Dan has a new girlfriend...

Nataly Fish



A mother deals with the grief associated with her son going off to war.

Nataly Fish



A plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean six minutes after takeoff, and is flooded after an explosion during evacuation. A dozen survivors sink in a sealed part of the aircraft as it perches precariously on an undersea cliff 200 feet below the surface. Among them is an engineer and his 11-year old daughter.

Nataly Fish



Drowning is a slow burn psychological thriller where the lead character, Anna, uses wish fulfillment to break free from a cycle of abuse. Anna does not have the self-esteem needed to overcome the abuse she suffers in the real world, so she creates a new reality where she fights back. Anna is a prostitute who has been abused, exploited and manipulat..

Nataly Fish



As an overweight high-schooler, Gabe already deals with a lot. But, when his dream girl becomes the target of his personal bully, he must decide if he'll finally stand up.

Nataly Fish



16mm film (color)

Nataly Fish



Hans a disabled veteran is diagnosed with terminal cancer and is trying to deal with the news while Zoe his wife receives a shocking message.

Nataly Fish

Drowning Love

Drowning Love

Natsume (Komatsu Nana), jeune fille populaire et un brin superficielle, quitte Tokyo ainsi que son travail de jeune mannequin pour suivre ses parents à la campagne. D’abord déprimée, elle finit par faire la connaissance de Kôichiro (Suda Masaki), un garçon envoûtant qu’entoure une aura de mystères. A son contact, elle commence à prendre..

Nataly Fish

Qui a Tué Mona ?

Qui a Tué Mona ?

La victime d'un accident de voiture se révèle avoir été odieuse envers tous les habitants d'un petit bourg... au point de laisser l'enquêteur perplexe, surtout quand il découvre que son futur gendre serait bien impliqué...

Nataly Fish

La Toile d'araignée

La Toile d'araignée

Lew Harper est amené à enquêter en Louisiane sur une affaire de chantage. Il découvre qu'elle implique une de ses anciennes liaisons.

Nataly Fish

The Drowning

The Drowning

Le témoignage du pédopsychiatre Tom Seymour a permis de condamner un jeune garçon pour meurtre. Mais, des années plus tard, leurs chemins se croisent à nouveau.

Nataly Fish

Triple Assassinat dans le Suffolk

Triple Assassinat dans le Suffolk

Trois jeunes femmes portant le même nom commettent chacune un meurtre, celui de leur mari qu'elles noient qui dans une baignoire d’étain, qui dans la mer et qui dans une piscine. Elles perpétuent ces actes en toute impunité, tenant dans leur filet un juge d'instruction amoureux de chacune d'elles…

Nataly Fish

The Drowning City

The Drowning City

Nataly Fish

Drowning in the Shallow End

Drowning in the Shallow End

A writer struggles to stay afloat as his romantic and professional prospects crumble.

Nataly Fish

Drowning Echo

Drowning Echo

During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend’s swimming pool; she soon discovers that anyone who comes into contact with the water is in danger and she is driven to confront the mystical and malevolent creature lurking in the depths

Nataly Fish

Drowning Ghost

Drowning Ghost

Hundred years ago, three students at the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally slaughtered, the murderer drowned himself in a lake nearby and his body was never found. The story has become a legend for generations of students as well as a yearly festivity. Sara, a student, is writting an essay based on the legend and uncovers new facts from the ..

Nataly Fish

Boudu sauvé des eaux

Boudu sauvé des eaux

Boudu, clochard parisien, se jette à la Seine. Repêché par un libraire aux idées libérales, il sème l'anarchie dans la famille.

Nataly Fish

drowning thoughts 01 - substructio

drowning thoughts 01 - substructio

The first of a 7 part short anthology. This short movie handles the topic of overwhelm.

Nataly Fish

Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury

Poolboy: Drowning Out the Fury

In this unearthed lost movie from 1990 that the studio deemed too terrible to release, a Vietnam Veteran Sal Bando(Sorbo), tortured by his past as a Poolboy returns home to Van Nuys, California, and a country he doesn't recognize, in which it seems only Mexicans run pool-cleaning companies. Bando sets off on a brutal mission to reclaim his "rightfu..

Nataly Fish

Sur les traces de ma soeur

Sur les traces de ma soeur

Après la disparition en mer de sa jeune soeur, l'aînée revient dans sa ville natale pour comprendre ce qu'il a bien pu se passer. Il s'avère que l'accident n'en serait pas un.

Nataly Fish

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