


La traque par le FBI du concepteur de voitures John DeLorean. Son voisin, un ancien détenu, Jim Hoffman, est l'informateur privilégié du service de renseignement après avoir été arrêté pour trafic de cocaïne.

Nataly Fish



Les années passent et Joe Tanto, pilote de course mis à la retraite contre son gré, ne peut s'empêcher de continuer à ressasser ses erreurs : les occasions qu'il n'a pas su saisir, et, surtout, cet accident qui a failli lui coûter la vie et celle d'un autre pilote. Si une seconde chance se présentait à lui, il la prendrait sans hésiter. Au..

Nataly Fish

L.A. by night

L.A. by night

A Los Angeles, les nuits sont chaudes pour les chauffeurs de taxi. Entre Noël et le jour de l'an, chacun doit penser à soi et trouver toujours plus de clients. Mais cela ne va pas sans risques et les dangers sont nombreux dans les zones sensibles de la ville. C'est avec la peur au ventre que ces conducteurs accomplissent leur mission. Seront-ils..

Nataly Fish



Les nuits d'Emerson Graham en tant que chauffeur de taxi sont remplies d'ennuis et de désagréments, mais jusqu'à ce soir, jamais d'attaques ni de disparitions. Après avoir pris un passager mystérieux, sa soirée passe de travail en travail à une quête, car ils doivent se battre contre la montre pour vaincre une force du mal. Le compteur est ..

Nataly Fish



Essie, a mountain girl, moves in with a family of neighboring bootleggers when her father, also a bootlegger, is killed by federal agents. She falls in love with Tom, one of the family's brothers, but another brother, the violent and brutal Lem, decides he wants her for himself, and beats Tom badly. What the girl doesn't know is that it wasn't the ..

Nataly Fish



Teddy Fischer is an Uber driver and failed novelist who is living in her brother’s laundry room. While contemplating suicide, Teddy gets a ride request from Yari Alvarez, an overly confident, deaf yodeler, who insists that Teddy drive her to her parents’ McMansion to defend her as a fellow artist.

Nataly Fish



A rich business man with the aid of a corrupt police unit attempt to hunt down in order to kill and an ex-business associate and family member after he escapes a failed execution.

Nataly Fish



A mother struggles to reconnect with her son while dealing with her traumatic divorce.

Nataly Fish



A women, in a car, in the woods, at night. She's driven by something. She's scared. She hits something with her car. She flees, not knowing from what. She's driven by fear.

Nataly Fish



Driven attempts to blur the lines between video gaming and urban reality, finding in both a seductive resonance.

Nataly Fish



In a world of adrenaline and speed, a quadriplegic race car driver pushes to keep his dream of racing alive.

Nataly Fish



When four of the most influential riders in freeride history team up to shred a series of natural wonders, the result is bound to be nothing short of perfection.

Nataly Fish



A punk boidyke, handcuffed, facing the wall in a sparse, empty room, breathes heavily with anxiety and expectation. And anxious she should be, for the rough treatment she will face in the 13 minutes that follow! The film is a contribution to much-needed lesbian visibility – conveying a proud and unashamed image of dyke eroticism and BDSM – also..

Nataly Fish

Le Prix du sang

Le Prix du sang

Ruslan, un ancien gangster russe, est maintenant un écrivain de roman policier à succès. Lors du mariage de sa fille, il découvre que son nouveau gendre n'est autre que le fils de son ennemi juré Mikhail Arban. Sa famille menacée, Ruslan doit malgré lui renouer avec son passé, avec armes, haine et violence...

Nataly Fish

Témoignage risqué

Témoignage risqué

Témoin d'un meurtre, Christy va dire ce qu'elle a vu à deux lieutenants de police, West et Boyce. Elle reconnaît le suspect, Karl Harvey, sur photo. Rapidement incarcéré, celui-ci obtient pourtant une libération sous caution et, à sa sortie de prison, n'a plus qu'une idée en tête : éliminer le témoin. Christy s'enfuit avec sa mère dans ..

Nataly Fish

Pure As The Driven Snow

Pure As The Driven Snow

A young drug dealer stumbles upon a doppelganger online celebrity who tortures and murders people on camera. As his mania grows and the line between reality and fiction is blurred, a second identity grows from his second life in his dreams, and something of a prophecy is revealed.

Nataly Fish

Driven to Dance

Driven to Dance

While preparing to audition for a renowned ballet company, Paige must convince herself and her mother that she has what it takes to make it in the world of dance.

Nataly Fish

Jens Pulver: Driven

Jens Pulver: Driven

DRIVEN is a film about a universal human struggle, transcending loss, and overcoming hardship through the many fights we all share in our pursuit of greatness. It is, poignantly, a film about one man's drive, in an increasingly dire American psyche, to overcome the most trenchant of odds, and redefine his fate in a quest to provide a more solid fut..

Nataly Fish

Driven to the Edge

Driven to the Edge

A young fashion designer uses a rideshare service and meets a mysterious woman whose determination to be her friend reveals a dark connection between them.

Nataly Fish

Beyond Driven

Beyond Driven

At the Spanish Grand Prix in 1975, former butcher’s delivery driver and ex Formula 3 Championship runner up, Lella Lombardi, became the first, and still only, female driver to win F1 World Championship points. During one of the most controversial weekends in F1 history, set amid a notoriously dangerous Barcelona street circuit, spectator deaths,..

Nataly Fish

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