
Menace Toxique

Menace Toxique

Trois agents du FBI ont mystérieusement disparu l'un après l'autre, alors qu'ils suivaient une même enquête dans une ville minière des Appalaches. Une lettre anonyme avait dénoncé des événements étranges : des déchets toxiques seraient déversés dans les collines des environs, mettant en péril l'équilibre écologique de la région. A ..

Nataly Fish

L'Enfer des tropiques

L'Enfer des tropiques

Deux associés contrebandiers aux Antilles Félix et Tony sont contactés par Irena désireuse de se rendre sur l'Ile de Santa Nada. Ils acceptent de la prendre sur leur bateau et Tony tombe amoureux de la belle. Les rapports entre les deux hommes deviennent vite tendus, l'affrontement est inévitable.

Nataly Fish

Down Below

Down Below

Down Below centers around a young sheriff and a criminal suspect who find their lives intertwined when both become haunted by a sinister force on Christmas Eve. Eric Roberts portrays a highly intelligent police psychologist, who’s having a tough time with his current patient, a cop who was recently suspended for an act of violence on a civilian.

Nataly Fish

Down Below

Down Below

Refugees in a post-apocalyptic future, two sisters must make the ultimate decision: one or both will die.

Nataly Fish

It's Quiet Down Below

It's Quiet Down Below

Metro is a factory of rush for the passengers. Thousands, who do not hurry to break the circulation schedule, work to create the rhythm. What does the escalator controller think of, sitting inside her booth during the rush hour? How do the cashiers see us through the window of their own, separate world, decorated with flowerpots? What a metro worke..

Nataly Fish

Moonspell: From Down Below (Live 80 Meters Deep)
The Sun Rises Down Below

The Sun Rises Down Below

Chronicles of a city. Two homeless women, two local it-girls and one suicidal man on a sunny Tel Aviv morning.

Nataly Fish

Down Below in the Foxhole under the Cold Ground in Emmental

Down Below in the Foxhole under the Cold Ground in Emmental

Emmental is lovely. To us, it looks like something out of a picture book. And this kind of landscape always has a history. And many good artists come from this landscape. And then the cows in this landscape. In Emmental, there are cows that look at passers-by sweetly, with big, pure cow eyes--and gaze after them. Long... In Emmental, each hill has..

Nataly Fish

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