
Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

The silent Spanish version of the story of Don Juan Tenorio.

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

A retired actor decides to donate his savings to his nephew and move to an old house, there he meets an old love.

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio is a 1898 Mexican silent drama film directed by Salvador Toscano who was Mexico’s first filmmaker and is also the first film adaptation of Don Juan Tenorio, a play by José Zorrilla.

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

Classic legend of a playboy meeting supernatural comeuppance.

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

There are nearly three dozen major televised, theatrical and cinematic productions paying homage to this revision of the original tale of Don Juan. Playwright José Zorrilla's work, was first written and published in 1844, and it soon became one of the most popular plays of the 19th Century. Spanish Director Alejando Perla's own 1952 cinematic vers..

Nataly Fish

Don Juan Tenorio

Don Juan Tenorio

Director Ricardo de Banos' second second version of the Don Juan Tenorio saga.

Nataly Fish

Viva/muera Don Juan Tenorio

Viva/muera Don Juan Tenorio

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To Love and Die in Seville

To Love and Die in Seville

Don Juan Tenorio, accompanied by his faithful servant Ciutti, returns to Seville to resolve the bet he made with Don Luis Mejía. The two are placed to a new bet, since they have killed a similar number of men and conquered the same women. The new bet is that Don Juan has to conquer a novice and a maid who is about to get married, the time stipulat..

Nataly Fish

Buster se marie

Buster se marie

Un homme veut épouser sa dulcinée, mais celle-ci refuse tant que sa sœur aînée ne sera pas mariée.

Nataly Fish

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