


L’incroyable histoire d’un enfant, meurtri par la vie, qui trouvera son salut grâce à l’amour que lui portent ses chiens.

Nataly Fish



Dans une banlieue déshéritée, Marcello, toiletteur pour chiens discret et apprécié de tous, voit revenir de prison son ami Simoncino, un ancien boxeur accro à la cocaïne qui, très vite, rackette et brutalise le quartier. D’abord confiant, Marcello se laisse entraîner malgré lui dans une spirale criminelle. Il fait alors l’apprentissag..

Nataly Fish



Hanklin Purvis enjoys the outdoors, and he loves to hunt. He and his wife, Dorothy, live on a farm in the rural mid-west. For some reason, during the season before autumn, things start happening. The first victims are family pets, then wild animals. But it's not until people are injured that the police get involved. The attacker is not human, that'..

Nataly Fish



A dark creature haunts Oscar as he mourns the recent death of his girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

The Dogman Triangle: Werewolves in the Lone Star State

The Dogman Triangle: Werewolves in the Lone Star State

Witnesses have reported seeing upright-walking canids in Texas. Fact or fiction? Seth Breedlove continues his investigation in to the werewolf phenomenon.

Nataly Fish

The Dogman

The Dogman

20XX SM, a super rare video starring Masaru Matsuda, a new cult hero who runs through an era without drug morals!

Nataly Fish

Dogman: Beyond the Legend

Dogman: Beyond the Legend

This probing documentary tackles the cryptid creature Dogman. It delves into the history, sightings and theories surrounding the beast. Is it real? What is the evidence? What could it be? All the answers to these exciting questions will be revealed.

Nataly Fish

Dogman's Rabies: Underdog

Dogman's Rabies: Underdog

Inspired by one of the most savage and violent crimes committed in Rome in the 1980s, "Rabbia Furiosa" is the story of Fabio, a small-time neighborhood crook, known as “Er Canaro” (the Dog Man) who suffers years of abuse and mistreatment from Claudio, a local boss of the criminal underworld. When he is driven to desperation and the brink of mad..

Nataly Fish

Dogman 2: The Wrath of the Litter

Dogman 2: The Wrath of the Litter

It's been a year since the Dogman terrorized this Midwestern community and nearly killed Hank Purvis. But now, things seem to have settled down. Everyone has gotten back to their routine. Hank still enjoys the outdoors and loves to hunt. He and his wife, Dorothy, continue to live on their family farm in the rural Midwest. The picturesque autumn woo..

Nataly Fish

Dogman Tales

Dogman Tales

What is Dogman? How is it related to Sasquatch? In this compelling documentary several researchers and experts discuss the Cryptid Dogman.

Nataly Fish

Expedition Dogman

Expedition Dogman

Cryptozoologists journey into the forests of Kentucky to gather evidence of a canine/human hybrid.

Nataly Fish

DOGMAN! 3: El enfrentamiento final

DOGMAN! 3: El enfrentamiento final

DOGMAN! He is a highly experienced hero who guards the streets. After losing everything he loves and has fought for since he was a teenager, he faces Charly, who will reveal himself as his creator and reality and fiction no longer have a dividing line. Faced with the loss of his own identity, DOGMAN! he will try to prevail over Charly, a strange be..

Nataly Fish

Dogman Territory: Werewolves in the Land Between the Lakes

Dogman Territory: Werewolves in the Land Between the Lakes

The new documentary from filmmaker SETH BREEDLOVE and SMALL TOWN MONSTERS, examining reports and sightings of Dogmen and other canid creatures in the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, and the surrounding areas of Kentucky and Tennessee.

Nataly Fish

Le Dernier Cheyenne

Le Dernier Cheyenne

Trois dangereux détenus s'évadent. Le shérif local Deegan lance à leurs trousses le chasseur de primes Lewis Gates. Celui-ci retrouve la trace des fuyards, mais identifie une authentique flèche indienne qui l'incite à rebrousser chemin. Intimement persuadé que les évadés ont été tués, il retourne rendre compte de ses doutes au shérif ..

Nataly Fish

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