
Dog Walk

Dog Walk

A man with a mission climbs the stairs of a haunted apartment building.

Nataly Fish

Juste une promenade

Juste une promenade

Kristie Simmons, avocate dans la petite ville de Bradley Beach, défend les causes qui lui tiennent à coeur, comme la construction d'une piste cyclable pour les habitants. La rencontre avec son adversaire dans cette affaire, l'avocat de Seattle Keith Amos, est plutôt glaciale. Pourtant, les deux jeunes gens ont plus en commun qu'il n'y paraît, �..

Nataly Fish

Taking the Dog for a Walk

Taking the Dog for a Walk

After Sunny's time now, his portrait of the American Free jazz drumming legend Sunny Murray, filmmaker Antoine Prum turns his attention to the British Free Improvised Music scene in this new music documentary. Following the leads of artistic advisor Tony Bevan, it retraces the road that leads from its emergence and emancipation from the various fre..

Nataly Fish

Walking the Dog

Walking the Dog

April will do anything to please her boyfriend. And he knows it. But when he pressures her to go to an underground sex club, things get out of hand.

Nataly Fish

Tips For Walking Your Dog

Tips For Walking Your Dog

A man gives you tips for walking your dog.

Nataly Fish

Dogwoman: Dead Dog Walking

Dogwoman: Dead Dog Walking

Margaret O'Halloran is a dog trainer with a unique talent and a nose for a mystery. Now an old lady has been savaged to death, her faithful dog is the prime suspect. But Margaret smells a murderer of the two legged variety.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Walker

The Dog Walker

The Dog Walker is a four minute murder mystery and tiny, four legged drama. Why was that woman murdered and who committed the crime?

Nataly Fish

Walk That Dog

Walk That Dog

A chance meeting between the artist, ten young boys, and a yo-yo champion in a drugstore parking lot provides the substance for this rambling and anarchic filmed interview that at once parodies “man on the street” television interviews while introducing and sustaining an unusual but deliberate verite technique on its own.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Walker

The Dog Walker

A love-struck dog walker discovers his darker side after a terrible accident with his favorite actress' pet.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Walker

The Dog Walker

An investigative journalist, crippled with anxiety disorder, retires from the field after a traumatic assignment, only to be lured back into her worst nightmare by a psychotic stalker, who insists that she solve one last, terrifying puzzle.

Nataly Fish

Death and Dog Walking

Death and Dog Walking

After an unexpected meeting with a particularly difficult client, a dog walker is launched into the throes of an existential crisis. A hilarious tale about what it means to exist.

Nataly Fish

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

Vera should be surrounded by men, but for some reason she lives with a dog. He walks in the park with her, has lunch and falls asleep. But she is already in her thirties, and the search for the hero of her novel has entered a critical phase. She even filled out a questionnaire on a dating site, went on a date, was with a sorcerer. So, probably, eve..

Nataly Fish

The Dog Walker

The Dog Walker

Retired actor Lars-Gunnar Persson spends his days with his neighbor's dog, sharing memories of failed relationships and questioning what life might have been. It's a friendship that suits Lars-Gunnar because the dog, Zeb, is an excellent listener.

Nataly Fish

Walk the Dog

Walk the Dog

A persistent rain falls on Zagreb. That day Janko finally decides to take the threads of his life in his own hands. For him this means, before anything, an attempt to establish a relationship with Iva who he has wanted to approach for some time followed by dealing with his aging father Franjo, a miserable translator who needs an escort to an award ..

Nataly Fish

Un chien marchait sur le piano

Un chien marchait sur le piano

L’adolescente Tania Kanareikina prend la décision de changer radicalement sa vie. Elle commence par tomber amoureuse d’un pilote aux yeux tristes qui jouait à la trompette. A cause de ce dernier, elle a dû rompre avec Micha qu’elle connaissait depuis l’enfance. Certes, elle avait beaucoup de sympathie pour lui, mais il manquait de romant..

Nataly Fish

The Dog-Walking Ground

The Dog-Walking Ground

A little story about the peculiar inhabitants of the dog-walking area.

Nataly Fish

Walking With The Dog

Walking With The Dog

Dumped by a bored pet owner, a mixed-breed mutt ends up with three time loser Yasuyuki, who's loveless, homeless and jobless. Yasuyuki finds solace in the dog, whom he calls Tamura, and uses it to mend fences with his ex, who's distracted by her mother's debilitating illness. A trip to a hospital reveals Tamura's ability to comfort dying patients, ..

Nataly Fish

What Can a Dog Teach or Morning Walks With Jim

What Can a Dog Teach or Morning Walks With Jim

Every morning the author walks in the forest with his dog. Regardless of the weather and season. What can you learn from a dog? The author is sure a lot.

Nataly Fish



A struggling actress must play the role of a detective in order to save an adorable Maltese puppy from a murderous group of Goth Thugs, a Devilish Dominatrix, and a handsome, lying doctor.

Nataly Fish

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