


Transparency, objectivity, focus and illusion are the main concerns of this film. Shot from the interior of a room from which can be seen a plant, a person’s head, raindrops on the window, houses, the sea and the horizon. The point of focus and the film’s exposure are continually changed and are set into flux with each other while simultaneousl..

Nataly Fish



Shot on 16 mm and in color, Distancing documents the logistics and poetics of Miko Revereza’s decision to leave the United States and return to the Philippines.

Nataly Fish

Daichi (Social Distancing Version)

Daichi (Social Distancing Version)

Recording of the play Daichi (Social Distancing Version) performed on July 11, 2020, at the PARCO Theater in Tokyo's Shibuya City.

Nataly Fish

Distancing Socially

Distancing Socially

Composed of a series of short vignettes that share a telecommunications application as a common thread, Distancing Socially focuses on loosely connected human interactions taking place virtually across a world in lock down.

Nataly Fish

Mother Distancing

Mother Distancing

The relationship between "Bam", a discordant daughter and "mother" who is a doctor, may change. When her mother became at the highest risk in the COVID-19 situation.

Nataly Fish

Breaking Social Distancing

Breaking Social Distancing

A short film about a couple reconnecting during the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Nataly Fish

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Written, Filmed and Edited in under 24 hours.

Nataly Fish

Physical Distancing Explained

Physical Distancing Explained

How do we reduce Covid-19 infection rates? This film was shown on TV in 6 African countries reaching 80 million viewers.

Nataly Fish

Sexual Distancing

Sexual Distancing

Two guys, one deadly virus, a city in quarantine and a lot of sexual desperation.

Nataly Fish

Roundabout, The Shortest Distance Is Round

Roundabout, The Shortest Distance Is Round

Haruto is a freshman and a loner high school student until the arrival of the new teacher Aoyama. Aoyama cares for Haruto and starts to exchange letters with him, as something more grows inside both of them. But one night, an unexpected kiss ends their beautiful relationship. Three years later, Haruto has become a male prostitute in order to pay ba..

Nataly Fish

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

After two years of living in Korea, the Covid pandemic led Cherry to return to Hong Kong. Creating a YouTube channel will make her want to increase the number of followers. When weird things start happening all around her, she blames it on the existence of virtual ghosts and asks for help to try to exorcise them.

Nataly Fish



Trois ans après la disparition tragique et volontaire des membres d'une secte obscure, quatre amis, tous parents de victimes, se retrouvent le jour anniversaire de la tragédie sur les lieux même où celle-ci a commencé : un endroit paisible et reculé, une petite maisonnée coincée entre la forêt et l'eau reposante d'un lac. En chemin, ils cr..

Nataly Fish

Sur le fil

Sur le fil

Un jeune journaliste enquête sur le meurtre d'une ancienne compagne. Après le suicide du principal suspect, il démêle la vérité autour de ce terrible drame.

Nataly Fish

Love Over Distance

Love Over Distance

Evie a la trentaine, ambitieuse elle est prête à vivre la promotion de sa vie : un job à Rio de Janeiro ! Son petit ami a déjà fait ses valises mais il s’avère que son patron a prévu des plans différents pour elle. Evie va être en charge d’un gros projet à Terneuzen, une petite ville de Hollande. Elle doit alors quitter sa vie à Rott..

Nataly Fish

Their Distance

Their Distance

Reon is a young Korean man. He avoids contact with other people and works as an apprentice shoemaker. One after, he sees a woman Sona passed out and sleeping on a bench in the park. Reon doesn't know why, but he can't get her out of his mind. Meanwhile, Kokaze works in the same shoe shop with Reon and has feelings for him.

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22 euros he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.

Nataly Fish

The Distances

The Distances

Olivia, Eloy, Guille et sa petite amie Anna débarquent à Berlin pour le week-end. Objectif : faire une surprise à leur vieil ami Álex pour son anniversaire, installé en Allemagne depuis quelques temps. Mais l’accueil n’est pas vraiment celui qu’ils attendaient et ce sont eux finalement les plus surpris. Leur longue amitié est mise à l�..

Nataly Fish

The Shortest Distance is Round 3: Fallen Flowers

The Shortest Distance is Round 3: Fallen Flowers

Haruto and Aoyama, once a couple, are now completely without contact. As Aoyama's secrets are gradually revealed, Haruto, now the shop manager of an underground escort club, is starting to question whether the man he loves is worth the wait; his feelings for escort Ruka has also evolved from mere compassion into something more. A mystery sex toy li..

Nataly Fish

Love Without Distance

Love Without Distance

The romantic comedy “Tuhao 520” or “Love Without Distance” is the newest film title that centers on the lives of China’s billionaires. The film attempts to dissect before the audience via creatively crafted scenes the meaning of "tuhao," which is a famous Chinese expression describing rich people who lack some grace and elegance.

Nataly Fish



During a global pandemic, Laszlo isolates himself in his apartment. He avoids any kind of human contact. Until one evening the new neighbor Zoe rings at his doorbell with unforeseen consequences for both of them.

Nataly Fish

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