


Dez Truss, 17 ans, est arrêté alors qu'il vole des voitures. Un mentor compatissant lui donne une dernière chance en lui présentant Rick Radden, un ancien pilote de voitures de course, qui accepte de prendre le jeune sous son aile.

Nataly Fish



Break through the surface to explore the living, breathing ecosystem beneath our feet. “Dirt” — a new documentary about saving our soil — delves into how Arkansas farmers, ranchers and more are improving their operations by helping the environment.

Nataly Fish

Dirty Papy

Dirty Papy

Alors qu'il est sur le point d'épouser sans conviction la fille de son patron, Jason, un jeune avocat un peu coincé, se fait embarquer par son grand-père dans un road trip déjanté jusqu'en Floride pour le Spring Break. Personnage haut en couleur et totalement dévergondé, Dick est bien décidé à apprendre à son petit-fils ce que veut dire ..

Nataly Fish



A woman tries to clean her apartment, but her unkempt lover won't let her.

Nataly Fish



From motorcycles to Swamp buggies; from Pike Peak to Baja California - "Dirt" covers the motorsports world of off-road racing and competitions. There is humor, drama, and suspense in this light-hearted view of off-pavement competition

Nataly Fish



Penny, a troubled runaway, is picked up hitchhiking by a group of friends on a camping trip. But after trekking deep into the forest, Penny soon realises this group is not seeking the ideal camping spot after all, but something much more sinister. Now it's an epic fight for survival, as Penny pulls out all punches to be the last one standing.

Nataly Fish



DIRT is a quirky comedy about two simple-hearted brothers who, when abandoned by the death of their mother, search to find a replacement Mom. Junior and Scooter find themselves ill-prepared for life on their own. To ease their suffering, they search the desert dregs of West Texas for a woman to take Mom's place. Due to their social disability, they..

Nataly Fish



A man's strange obsession with dirt starts as a childhood game but eventually manifests on a surreal level.

Nataly Fish



A meditative exploration of identity and Blackness in a heightened time of unrest and uprisings fueled by issues of police brutality and systemic racism in America.

Nataly Fish



An ode to New York's East Vilage community gardens as told by three men who, amid their own personal struggles, manage to give life to these small, rare patches of fertile ground: Adam, a radical who makes earth from his own waste; Normand, who has his last summer in the garden before dying of AIDS; and Pablo, a squatter who tends his garden while ..

Nataly Fish



This feature documentary is an exploration of the concept of dirt and impurity. From the slums of Kolkata to Vancouver's Downtown Eastside to a barbeque joint in Central Texas, Dirt digs deep into the webs of meaning and feeling attached to that deceptively simple 4-letter word. An odyssey into all things unclean, the film features animation to mak..

Nataly Fish



Suffering is the sandpaper of our incarnation. It does its work of shaping us.

Nataly Fish



Some things must die to live.

Nataly Fish



In the UK, a traumatized homeless veteran uncovers a child trafficking ring and sees a chance at personal redemption.

Nataly Fish



... has been used in women's studies classes on rape. Its energy is the energy of protest and of rock music. A woman is dragged and dragged through dirt with increasing violence. As the violence increases, so does the beat and intensity of the harsh, eletronic sound. The audience can identify deeply with the woman's movements and so experience the ..

Nataly Fish



Two nuns take a bath, then meet a sailor on the Staten Island Ferry.

Nataly Fish



Dumped unexpectedly by his girlfriend (Rita Bernard-Shaw) and saddened by the sudden loss of his mother (Andrea Hall), Eli (Hayden Mclean) calls upon enigmatic uncle Cassius (Garfield Clairmonte), eccentric art dealer and occasional shaman healer, as a last resort to purge his pain. The obnoxious mystic performs a series of self-concocted forest ri..

Nataly Fish



Dolores Del Rosario is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who works as a maid for wealthy New Yorkers. Treated patronizingly whenever she isn't simply ignored, she witnesses all her privileged employers' quirks and indiscretions, including affairs and other secrets. When she loses her highest-paying job because the family's political ambitions p..

Nataly Fish

Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing

En 1963. Bébé – de son vrai prénom Frédérique – fille d’une riche famille, passe ses vacances avec ses parents et sa sœur à la pension de la famille Kellerman dans l’État de l’Oregon. Elle va être confrontée à un monde qui lui est complètement étranger, celui de la danse, et vivre une histoire d’amour avec Johnny, l’un de..

Nataly Fish



Meurtre, drogue et violence sont le quotidien de la police de Los Angeles. Et les flics doivent bien souvent jouer les rôles de juge, jury et bourreau. Deux ex-gangsters devenus policiers véreux étouffent un scandale dans une affaire policière. Le refrain est bien connu: avec les responsabilités viennent les opportunités; et avec les opportun..

Nataly Fish

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