
Histoire de détective

Histoire de détective

L'inspecteur McLeod est attaché au commissariat du 21e district dans la ville de New York. C'est un homme dont la rigidité morale se reflète quotidiennement dans le travail. Il est strict et intransigeant. Si ses collègues policiers, notamment Brody, semblent plus sympathiques, McLeod ignore le sentiment de pitié, ne connaît que la loi et l'a..

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

Careless detective Paul White and the careful Yuji Sato meet a beautiful girl who needs their help. Emma has a big secret of her own and the unsuspecting detectives get into a dangerous conspiracy of her making.

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

La réalité, sordide et quotidienne, dans un commissariat où s'affrontent délinquants occasionnels, véritables criminels, avocats véreux, journalistes en mal de scandale et policiers usés par lexicale...

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

Nataly Fish

Histoire d'un détective

Histoire d'un détective

Un détective privé est engagé pour retrouver la piste d'un pirate informatique connu sous le pseudo de Trinity. Mais au cours de son enquête, il découvre qu'il n'est pas le premier sur le coup.

Nataly Fish

A Detective Story

A Detective Story

The lives of an ambitious officer and a washed-up detective are turned upside down when an unsuspecting college student goes missing in the otherwise quiet town of Bainsworth.

Nataly Fish

The Double-Barrelled Detective Story

The Double-Barrelled Detective Story

Interesting and sometimes funny adaptation of a Mark Twain short story. Hatfield is a carpetbagger who marries the daughter of a prominent plantation owner in order to humiliate him. He mistreats his wife, but she stoically refuses to complain to her father.

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

Naomi is a university student who is leaving for the US to study in a week; Shuichi is a washed-up gumshoe who's hired by Naomi's father to bodygard his daughter until she leaves. Shuichi finds the job annoying and wants to quit. But he also has a screwed-up ex and alimony to pay. Things go from bad to worse when Naomi and Shuichi stumble upon a mu..

Nataly Fish

Yorozuya Detective Story

Yorozuya Detective Story

Shiro works a dead-end job cleaning the homes of the recently deceased. But when he stumbles onto the residence of his childhood idol, the great Detective Jubei Yagyu, Shiro’s life changes forever. With the help of his trusty partner Mio, Shiro is determined to honor the legacy of his fallen hero by becoming a great detective... if only somebody ..

Nataly Fish

Détective Conan : l'histoire d'Ai Haibara - Le train noir

Détective Conan : l'histoire d'Ai Haibara - Le train noir

Conan, les Detective Boys, Ran, Kogorô, le professeur Agasa et Ai embarquent dans le train du mystère, train à bord duquel va se dérouler un jeu d’enquête mettant à contribution les passagers. En parallèle, Ai se retrouve ciblée par l’Organisation des hommes en noir…

Nataly Fish

Untitled Detective Story

Untitled Detective Story

A deputy has to work with a private eye and sees that the job isn't all it's cracked up to be

Nataly Fish

Bobby Bumps and the Detective Story

Bobby Bumps and the Detective Story

Pa buys a detective novel, but Bobby and Fido keep stealing it to read before he has a chance to.

Nataly Fish



What is up with that detective guy? The second part of "FAKE NEWS"

Nataly Fish

Humpback Whales: A Detective Story

Humpback Whales: A Detective Story

On 12 September 2015, a 30-ton humpback whale breached and landed on Tom Mustill and his friend Charlotte Kinloch as they paddled a sea kayak in Monterey Bay, California. Incredibly, both survived the incident, but the near-death experience haunted documentary maker Tom and left him wondering if the whale was deliberately trying to hurt them. To fi..

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

A detective and a businessman search for a serial killer who removes people's organs.

Nataly Fish

Detective Umon's Diary, Story No. 6

Detective Umon's Diary, Story No. 6

An important silent film survives, Kumahiko Nishina's Umon torimonocho rokuban tegara jinenji kidan (The Samurai Detective, aka The Detective Records of Umon, aka Detective Umon Diary: Exploit Number Six, 1930). Umon on his shining white horse stops a conspiracy against the Shogun. Umon was played by Kanjuro Arashi in this early film, & long after ..

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

Shuichi Tsujiyama (Takumi Saito) is a broke private investigator. While on a job assignment, he is about to catch a crucial moment by taking a picture, but Naomi Arai (Fumi Nikaido) misunderstands the situation. Shuichi Tsujiyama and Naomi Arai struggle physically. Because of this, Shuichi Tsujiyama misses his crucial photo opportunity. Kimie Hase..

Nataly Fish

Détective Conan : L'histoire d'amour d'un Détective ~La veille des Noces~

Détective Conan : L'histoire d'amour d'un Détective ~La veille des Noces~

Un long métrage d'accompagnement pour le film "Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween". Il se compose de clips d'anciens épisodes de la série télévisée Conan associés aux détectives Miwako Sato et Wataru Takagi, montrant les aventures qu'ils ont vécues ensemble et comment ils se sont attirés l'un vers l'autre. Cela sert de compagnon idé..

Nataly Fish

Histoire de détective

Histoire de détective

This story is built up with filmed documents in an experimental fashion.

Nataly Fish

Detective Story

Detective Story

Nataly Fish

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