
Kings of Nowhere

Kings of Nowhere

San Marcos, a town in northwestern Mexico partially submerged under water because of the construction of a nearby dam, is besieged by the violence of armed groups. Nevertheless, four families refuse to leave.

Nataly Fish

Pérou, le secret des lignes nazcas

Pérou, le secret des lignes nazcas

L’une des plus grandes énigmes du monde, les lignes de Nazca formant un réseau dense de lignes entrecroisées, de formes géométriques et de figures d’animaux gravées sur 200 miles carrés du désert péruvien. Qui les a créés et pourquoi ? Depuis leur découverte dans les années 1920, les chercheurs et les passionnés ont émis d’inno..

Nataly Fish

Desert Passage

Desert Passage

Parolee John Carver seeks the stolen money he has hidden, but so does his girlfriend, lawyer and cellmate. Tom and Chito are hired to get him across the border into Mexico and find themselves caught in the middle.

Nataly Fish

Duel dans le désert

Duel dans le désert

Une colonne de soldats, escortant une princesse choisie pour être l'épouse de l'émir Attatur, est attaquée par des cavaliers, des nomades semble-t-il, mais en fait leur chef était le frère de la princesse, essayant de la libérer. Un mystérieux personnage, du nom de Kadir, permet à l'escorte, commandée par Kamès, le fidèle lieutenant de ..

Nataly Fish

Desert Dream

Desert Dream

In a vast desert area somewhere at the border between Mongolia and China, Hungai lives together with his wife and child. Dutifully, Hungai plants little trees in the desert. After his wife embarks on a long trip to a hospital in the capital Ulaanbaatar to have their sick son examined, Hungai starts to drink out of loneliness. One day, a North Korea..

Nataly Fish

Law of the Harem

Law of the Harem

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Challenge the Desert

Challenge the Desert

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Tabernas: The Forgotten Desert

Tabernas: The Forgotten Desert

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Leões do Deserto

Leões do Deserto

Nataly Fish

The Desert Song

The Desert Song

French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab rebels, who threaten the safety of the French outpost in the Moroccan desert. Their dashing, daredevil leader is the mysterious "Red Shadow". Margot Bonvalet, a lovely, sassy French girl, is soon to be married at the fort to Birabeau's right-hand man,..

Nataly Fish

The Sheltering Desert

The Sheltering Desert

In 1935 two German geologists, Henno Martin and Hermann Korn, leave Nazi Germany for South-West Africa (Namibia) to conduct field research. At the outbreak of the Second World War, many male Germans living in South-West Africa are interned in local camps. As pacifists the two German scientists refuse to be arrested and flee into the Namib Desert. T..

Nataly Fish

Pétra, capitale du désert

Pétra, capitale du désert

À l'aube de l'ère chrétienne, Pétra, capitale du riche royaume des Nabatéens, bordant les déserts d'Arabie, de Syrie et du Néguev, fut absorbée par l'Empire romain et, après avoir été saccagée par les Bédouins, disparut de la mémoire des hommes ; mais ses secrets sont peu à peu révélés grâce à un énorme travail de fouilles.

Nataly Fish

Libyan Sahara Water from the Desert
The Bohemian Forest - Wilderness in the Heart of Europe

The Bohemian Forest - Wilderness in the Heart of Europe

The location of the Bohemian Forest at the former Iron Curtain and the political influences involved, had the result that both forms of country side are united here: natural landscape on the one hand and the ancient cultivated landscape on the other.

Nataly Fish

A Train Crosses the Desert

A Train Crosses the Desert

Terminally ill Farooq begs his brother to fulfill his last request: euthanize him.

Nataly Fish

The Loves of Angelica

The Loves of Angelica

Nataly Fish

La Captive du désert

La Captive du désert

L'histoire d'une jeune femme prise en otage par des rebelles toubous et plus encore prisonnière du desert qui les enserre tous.

Nataly Fish



Ijon Tichy arrives on a new planet in a single-person spacecraft. His habits and fantasies are with him. The aliens recreate the sex bomb from the poster that could be found in the cabin of his spacecraft. Then, they present him a live dummy. A male-female evening in space with some pre-war music hits becomes possible.

Nataly Fish

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