
Democracy Is ...

Democracy Is ...

The film is a controversy on democracy. Is our society really democratic? Can everyone be part of it? Or is the act of being part in democracy dependent to the access on technology, progression or any resources of information, as philosophers like Paul Virilio or Jean Baudrillard already claimed?

Nataly Fish

Qu'est-ce que la démocratie?

Qu'est-ce que la démocratie?

Donnant la parole à diverses personnalités - éminents théoriciens, chirurgiens traumatologues, militants, ouvriers d'usine, demandeurs d'asile, anciens premiers ministres et autres -, Qu'est-ce que la démocratie? fait le lien entre passé et présent, entre ce qui est d'ordre émotif, intellectuel, personnel et politique pour susciter la réfl..

Nataly Fish

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled..

Nataly Fish

Une démocratie en danger

Une démocratie en danger

Entre documentaire politique et récit à la première personne, cette plongée dans la réalité complexe du Brésil contemporain révèle la déliquescence de deux présidences.

Nataly Fish

We Don't Care About Democracy. This Is What We Want: Love, Hope and Its Many Faces

We Don't Care About Democracy. This Is What We Want: Love, Hope and Its Many Faces

A couple wakes up and talks about a dream.

Nataly Fish

La Démocratie du dollar

La Démocratie du dollar

Aux États-Unis d'Amérique, les lobbyistes, les entreprises et les milliardaires investissent des millions de dollars pour s'assurer qu'un candidat approprié, enclin à soutenir leurs ambitions personnelles et leurs projets économiques, remporte une élection, ce qui affecte inévitablement tout, de la sélection des responsables locaux aux éle..

Nataly Fish



1983: After more than seven years of terror, the Argentineans recover the democracy. The reconstruction of a climate of time and an event that marked a point of break not only in the policy but in the culture and the arts of Argentina

Nataly Fish



The manager of a company proposes a daring plan for keeping the workers’ morale high.

Nataly Fish

Selfie With Democracy

Selfie With Democracy

The Story is about two Male Angels that has been sent on a duty on Earth by God's order. meanwhile one of the Angels falls in love with a Girl on earth who was part of their mission.the Angel asks The Lord to become a Human and stay on earth for her.

Nataly Fish

Hippocrates And Democracy

Hippocrates And Democracy

The father of medical in Kos, Hippocrates, believes that illnesses can be treated with medicines and herbs instead of prayers and comes into conflict with the medical establishment of the island. Leaving Kos, he goes to Athens, where he is called to face a plague for save the city.

Nataly Fish

Démocratie(s) ?

Démocratie(s) ?

Il y a un an, grâce au précieux soutien de 7819 personnes, nous avons démarré un voyage en démocratie(s). Au fil des semaines puis des mois, au gré des rencontres, des échanges et des lectures, nous avons questionné ce mot étrange : la démocratie. En France mais aussi en Grèce, en Islande, en Belgique ou encore en Espagne, nous avons re..

Nataly Fish

Democracy Under Attack - An Intervention

Democracy Under Attack - An Intervention

A completely black background and, before it, a microphone; during this film a total of ten women and men will step up to this microphone. In December 2011, Berlin venue Haus der Kulturen der Welt held a symposium on the topic of the current state of our democracy. The speakers’ appraisal is shocking: the Euro crisis and so-called best alternativ..

Nataly Fish

Arpoador, Praia and Democracy

Arpoador, Praia and Democracy

Nataly Fish

L’encerclement - La démocratie dans les rets du néo-libéralisme

L’encerclement - La démocratie dans les rets du néo-libéralisme

À travers les réflexions et les analyses de plusieurs intellectuels de renom, ce documentaire trace un portrait de l’idéologie néolibérale et examine les différents mécanismes mis à l’œuvre pour en imposer mondialement les diktats.

Nataly Fish

The Price of Democracy

The Price of Democracy

The expressions of democratization are usually interpreted by elites from two different parties but neglect the real faces/ life of every individual among the resistance rally. The director (a confused twenty-something) looks back upon the 40-year-history of democratization of Taiwan through the life experiences of two old-timers (who are grass-roo..

Nataly Fish

Our Democracy

Our Democracy

It is 1976 in Yugoslavia. Brotherhood and unity is also evident on the local radio station, where everyone is rejoicing. Namely, they received the award for the most homogeneous collective. The most homogeneous collective, however, soon begins to disintegrate, as it turns out that the award is in fact intended for the best individual.

Nataly Fish

The Paradox of Democracy

The Paradox of Democracy

Over the 2010s decade, even in different contexts and different democracies, the lack of satisfaction of society with politics became an unifying trait that caused riots in Brazil, the United States, France, Egypt and Ukraine. All of those governments fell, whether by force or by elections, but corruption keeps happening in the new governments. "Th..

Nataly Fish

Dreaming of Democracy

Dreaming of Democracy

A desperate journey in the heart of Thessaloniki. Seven Iranians, each one for his personal reasons, leave their homeland and embark on a life journey. Europe can provide them with a different life. It can provide them with human rights. An obligatory stop on the way is Greece. There, they meet each other, they are imprisoned and they realize that ..

Nataly Fish

The Democracy of the Spineless

The Democracy of the Spineless

A political satire about a decision yet to be made and heard – and in all the hassle, the Prime Minister has gone missing.

Nataly Fish

Levels Of Democracy

Levels Of Democracy

Documentary about mass actions on the streets of Kyiv between 1989 and 1991 just before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Nataly Fish

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