


A wall fan convincing the modern situation of India, a large democratic country.

Nataly Fish



Part of paraconsistent sequence series. “A paraconsistent logic allows inconsistency without absurdity.” The works in this subcollection contain contradictions of time and place, reorganizations of past, present and future.

Nataly Fish

Make Democracy Great Again

Make Democracy Great Again

The documentary film Make Democracy Great Again focuses on one of the most important questions of our time: Will democracy survive?

Nataly Fish

Democracy: La ruée vers les datas

Democracy: La ruée vers les datas

"Democracy" nous entraîne dans un monde réputé impénétrable : celui du kafkaïen processus législatif européen. À la façon d'un thriller politique, le film...

Nataly Fish

Engagé à fond : La lutte pour la démocratie

Engagé à fond : La lutte pour la démocratie

Un regard sur la réalité historique et actuelle de l'activisme contre la suppression du vote aux États-Unis, une barrière au vote ignorée par la plupart des citoyens et qui menace les libertés fondamentales.

Nataly Fish

Democracy Noir

Democracy Noir

Three brave women are fighting to expose the corruption and incremental destruction of democracy in Viktor Orbán's Hungary - a white nationalist regime that is the envy of authoritarian movements around the world.

Nataly Fish

The Case for Israel: Democracy's Outpost

The Case for Israel: Democracy's Outpost

Rising in vigorous defense of the nation-state of the Jewish people, distinguished Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz presents incisive evidence from leading experts across the political spectrum to assert Israel's basic right to exist.

Nataly Fish

Stephen Colbert's Election Night 2020: Democracy's Last Stand: Building Back America Great Again Better 2020

Stephen Colbert's Election Night 2020: Democracy's Last Stand: Building Back America Great Again Better 2020

Live from his virtual underground political bunker, Stephen reacts in real-time as state-by-state results are tallied.“It’s going to be a great night although my therapist has reminded me America has to WANT to change,” says Colbert.

Nataly Fish

The War on Democracy

The War on Democracy

Set both in Latin America and the United States, the film explores the historic and current relationship of Washington with countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Pilger says that the film "...tells a universal story... analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to un..

Nataly Fish

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Rolling Stone investigative reporter Greg Palast busted Jeb Bush for stealing the 2000 election by purging Black voters from Florida's electoral rolls. Now Palast is back to take a deep dive into the Republicans' dark operation, Crosscheck--designed to steal a million minority votes by November--and the billionaires who finance it.

Nataly Fish

Une démocratie en danger

Une démocratie en danger

Entre documentaire politique et récit à la première personne, cette plongée dans la réalité complexe du Brésil contemporain révèle la déliquescence de deux présidences.

Nataly Fish

Stephen Colbert's Live Election Night Democracy's Series Finale

Stephen Colbert's Live Election Night Democracy's Series Finale

Late night host Stephen Colbert leads a live 2016 election night special of anything-goes political satire and social commentary. Featuring real-time reactions as the results come in, plus an eclectic group of guests to break it all down.

Nataly Fish

Democracy on Trial

Democracy on Trial

FRONTLINE investigates the roots of the criminal cases against former President Trump stemming from his 2020 election loss. With the presidential race for 2024 underway, veteran political filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team examine the House Jan. 6 committee’s evidence, the historic charges against Trump and the threat to democracy.

Nataly Fish

Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine

Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine

BREAKING POINT: The War for Democracy in Ukraine looks at people transformed by a democratic revolution, who give up their normal lives to fight a Russian invasion, in a war which has killed 10,000 and displaced 1.9 million Ukrainians.

Nataly Fish

Guns N' Roses: Appetite for Democracy – Live at the Hard Rock Casino, Las Vegas

Guns N' Roses: Appetite for Democracy – Live at the Hard Rock Casino, Las Vegas

Les Guns N 'Roses au Hard Rock Casino de Las Vegas le 21 novembre 2012, pendant la tournée Appetite for Democracy pour célébrer les vingt-cinq ans Appetite for Destruction et les quatre ans de démocratie chinoise

Nataly Fish

Every Vote Counts: A Celebration of Democracy

Every Vote Counts: A Celebration of Democracy

A star-studded, bipartisan special featuring appearances and performances from a variety of entertainment luminaries. Co-hosted by America Ferrera, Alicia Keys and Kerry Washington

Nataly Fish

Preserving Democracy: Pursuing a More Perfect Union

Preserving Democracy: Pursuing a More Perfect Union

Reviewing the pursuit of democracy within the U.S. on the anniversary of the 2021 Capitol riot.

Nataly Fish

Hacking Democracy

Hacking Democracy

Relatant une enquête longue de 3 ans réalisé par des citoyens américains, le film traite des anomalies et irrégularitées des systèmes de vote électronique (e-voting) qui ont eu lieu pendant l'élection présidentielle de 2004 aux États-Unis, et plus particulièrement dans le comté de Volusia en Floride. Le film enquête sur les problèmes..

Nataly Fish

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled..

Nataly Fish

A Citizen's Guide to Preserving Democracy

A Citizen's Guide to Preserving Democracy

Through interviews and real-life examples, Hari Sreenivasan and Dr. Haass explore how Americans are working towards strengthening democracy and renewing the spirit of a more informed and engaged citizenry.

Nataly Fish

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