


Echo goes looking for her one-time lover and comrade-in-arms, only to fall into a passionate relationship with his son. But sexual abandon triggers the unravelling of a trauma she has long buried for the sake of her children, which now threatens to tear their lives apart. Can eros bring a healing of trauma, or merely its repetition?

Nataly Fish



"The title is a play on words about light and the pleasures of light phenomena. Images of reflections and shadows punctuated periodically by real objects or people." –Sheila Pinkel

Nataly Fish

Delightful Forest

Delightful Forest

Le combattant légendaire Wu Song est envoyé en prison dans la province de Mengzhou après avoir assassiné sa belle-sœur et son amant. Là, il rencontre le gardien de prison Shih En, qui sauve Wu de la peine de matraque requise pour les nouveaux prisonniers. Wu apprend que le restaurant de Shih, "La Forêt des Délices", a été investi par Chia..

Nataly Fish

Housewife's Afternoon Delight

Housewife's Afternoon Delight

Sayaka est une femme au foyer sexuellement frustrée dont le mari parle rarement et est toujours occupé par son travail. Mais elle trouve bientôt un antidote à sa solitude et à son ennui sous la forme d'un vendeur à domicile dans ce drame érotique.

Nataly Fish

Sexe en après-midi

Sexe en après-midi

Mariée et sans emploi, Rachel décide de prendre sous son aile une jeune strip-teaseuse, McKenna.

Nataly Fish

Turkish Délices

Turkish Délices

Un peintre anti-bourgeois d'Amsterdam vit un amour passionné avec une jeune fille.

Nataly Fish

Summer's Puke is Winter's Delight

Summer's Puke is Winter's Delight

Dans une esthétique très graphique et colorée, Sawako Kabuki décrit le cercle vicieux de l’anorexie, entre boulimie et vomissements. La protagoniste tente de compenser son amaigrissement et le vide qu’elle ressent dans son corps par une suractivité sexuelle. Or, le va-et-vient incessant auquel elle soumet son organisme finit par le liquéf..

Nataly Fish

Idiot's Delight

Idiot's Delight

A group of disparate travelers are thrown together in a posh Alpine hotel when the borders are closed at the start of WWII.

Nataly Fish

Les délices de Nina

Les délices de Nina

Nina, une jeune femme, quitte la maison familiale. Quand son père meurt, elle retourne dans sa famille qui possède un restaurant indien. Son retour apporte son lot de surprise, elle découvre que son père avait contracté des dettes de jeu, elle sera confrontée à son ex-fiancé et rencontrera Lisa, une jeune femme charismatique qui possède ma..

Nataly Fish

Revue Starlight ―The LIVE Edel― Delight

Revue Starlight ―The LIVE Edel― Delight

The play tells a new original story that features characters from the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Re LIVE mobile game, featuring and primarily focused on the Edels and Junior High students of Siegfeld Institute of Music. It also features all three Seiran General Art Institute students, as well as Claudine Saijo from Seisho Music Academy, Fumi Y..

Nataly Fish

Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club UNIT LIVE & FAN MEETING vol.4 R3BIRTH ~First DELIGHT~
PROGRESS Chapter 75: These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends

PROGRESS Chapter 75: These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends

We're back at our London home for a special Bank Holiday Monday show - Chapter 75: These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends

Nataly Fish

Thinking in Loop 1. Iconoclastic Delights

Thinking in Loop 1. Iconoclastic Delights

Thinking in Loop: Three videos on iconoclasm, ritual and immortality. Combining theoretical texts and film footage, the topic of these videos is, actually, video as a medium: the use of the image within the video, the analogy between video and essay, the difference between private and public use of the video, the video running in loop as a contempo..

Nataly Fish

The Unanswered Question IV : The Delights and Dangers of Ambiguity

The Unanswered Question IV : The Delights and Dangers of Ambiguity

This series comprised six lectures on music, which cumulatively took the title of a work by Charles Ives, The Unanswered Question. Bernstein drew analogies to other disciplines, such as poetry, aesthetics, and especially linguistics, hoping to make these lectures accessible to an audience with limited or no musical experience, while maintaining an ..

Nataly Fish

Le Jardin des délices

Le Jardin des délices

Les efforts cupides et desesperes d'une famille qui s'efforce de faire retrouver la memoire au riche industriel dont elle depend mais qui a place sa fortune a l'etranger.

Nataly Fish

Voyeur's Delight

Voyeur's Delight

Jerod, the director of a romance film, is trying to complete the final cut with his editor Sam. Jerod isn't satisfied, but Sam thinks it's fine. The producer Kate arrives and she has a third different opinion. The three of them sit around debating what love scenes should be included in the film, discussing what inspires passion in love scenes, and ..

Nataly Fish

The Garden of Earthly Delights

The Garden of Earthly Delights

A collage of two-dimensional images of vegetation, each appearing only for a moment, sometimes as a single image, more often with other bits of stem, leaf, bud, or petal. Often we see only the outline of objects against a black background. Black and green are occasionally joined by fragments of orange or of white and blue. The objects in the frame ..

Nataly Fish

Killer's Delight

Killer's Delight

Six jeunes femmes, toutes du même genre sont trouvées tuées sans que le ou les meurtriers puissent être arrêtés. Un spécialiste du crime, le sergent Vince de Carlo, convaincu que ces meurtres sont l'oeuvre d'un psychopathe, se met en piste. Avec l'excitation du chasseur guettant sa proie, il nous fait entrer dans l'enfer de la folie meurtri�..

Nataly Fish

Delightfully Dangerous

Delightfully Dangerous

Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before performing at her school, a visiting Broadway producer encourages her by telling her positive things about her sister. Soon afterwards, Sherry decides to make a..

Nataly Fish

Turkish Delight

Turkish Delight

Turkish Delight follows the story of the production of lokum (Turkish Delight), one of the most emblematic delicacies of Turkish culinary culture, that extends from Western Anatolia to the Greek island of Syros. Known as ’rahat-ul hulkum’ in Arabic and ’lokoumi’ in Greek, ’lokum’ came to be called as ’Turkish Delight’ at the end of ..

Nataly Fish

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