
Dead Men

Dead Men

Jesse Struthers and his brother Jake find themselves on the run after a band of men begin murdering their family.

Nataly Fish

Pirates des Caraïbes : La Vengeance de Salazar

Pirates des Caraïbes : La Vengeance de Salazar

Jack Sparrow et ses compagnons se lancent dans la quête du Trident de Poséidon, sur lequel le Capitaine Teague détient des informations précieuses. Cet artefact légendaire, qui donne tous les pouvoirs sur les océans, est leur seul moyen d'échapper aux fantômes du redoutable Capitaine Salazar, échappés du Triangle des Bermudes pour élimin..

Nataly Fish

13 Dead Men

13 Dead Men

Condamné à mort, Malachi a moins d'une semaine pour s'évader de prison avant d'être exécuté pour un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis. Son ancien gang va le tirer d'affaire, mais seulement pour qu'il les aide en retour à retrouver le butin issu d'un vol de diamants. Le directeur de la prison veut, lui aussi, récupérer les bijoux, et il est prê..

Nataly Fish

Les cadavres ne portent pas de costard

Les cadavres ne portent pas de costard

Juliet Forrest à la recherche de son père disparu fait appel aux services du détective privé Rigby Deardon. Notre homme commence son enquête à partir d’une étrange liste de noms figurant sous l’en‐tête : « les amis de Carlotta » … celle‐ci l’entraîne dans des péripéties multiples, ponctuées d’interventions de héros d..

Nataly Fish

La Guerre de l'ombre

La Guerre de l'ombre

Dans les années 1980, à Belfast, Martin McGartland, un Irlandais catholique, gagne difficilement sa vie en faisant du porte-à-porte. Recruté par les hommes de l'IRA, l'Armée républicaine irlandaise, il est choqué par la violence affichée par le groupe paramilitaire et ne tarde pas à se tourner vers les services secrets britanniques, qui l'..

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Walking

Dead Men Walking

A viral outbreak turns those who are infected into the walking dead. Soon, the undead are contained, being kept in a maximum security prison. However, those who contained the undead are also trapped in this zombie-infested prison. Their only hope is to escape; but once you're inside this prison, there's really no way of getting out safely.

Nataly Fish

The Mennonite of the Living Dead

The Mennonite of the Living Dead

Six thirty-somethings try to spice up their stale marriages with a sexy weekend at a secluded cabin. An Amish farmer's corpse is resurrected when a Satanic sex act goes awry, and his murderous rampage stops the orgy dead in its tracks.

Nataly Fish

Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men tells the tale of a caper gone awry. A pair of brothers, Steve and Carl, tired of their place in the world, hatch a plot against local crime boss Peter. Little do they know that their fence Johnny's big mouth and lies are about to get him in trouble with a lot more than Claire, his part-time girlfriend. Meanwhile, Jack and Petey have..

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Walk

Dead Men Walk

When a small town doctor buries his twin brother, a practitioner of the black arts, he believes him dead; but subsequent events force him to realize that his brother has, in fact, returned from the dead as a vampire and is seeking revenge on the doctor, who had killed him in self-defense.

Nataly Fish

All Men's Dead

All Men's Dead

“As the German blitz raids reach their 39th day further air raids are to be expected at anytime…” At BBC broadcasting House, Bruce Belfrage and the rest of the staff are preparing the nightly news for millions of anxious listeners, but when the building suffers a direct hit they must pull together to face a terrible choice. Inspired by a true..

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Are Dangerous

Dead Men Are Dangerous

Unsuccessful writer Aylmer Franklyn takes the chance to change identities after he discovers a corpse. However, he soon finds himself accused of the murder of a maid at a near-by boarding house.

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Don't Die

Dead Men Don't Die

A reporter investigating a drug dealing ring is murdered. Brought back to life by the voodoo spell of a cleaning woman, he goes after his killers.

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Can't Dance

Dead Men Can't Dance

To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.

Nataly Fish

City of Dead Men

City of Dead Men

A son arrivée à Medellín, Michael, un Américain fait la connaissance de Melody. Elle lui présente un groupe de jeunes hommes appelés "Les hommes morts" qui vivent dans un hôpital psychiatrique abandonné.

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Tell

Dead Men Tell

When the elderly woman sponsoring a treasure hunt is murdered on board her docked ship, Charlie Chan must deal with a treasure map in four pieces, the ghost of a hanged pirate, a talking parrot, a recalcitrant sea captain and several suspicious passengers - and a second murder.

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dead Men Tell No Tales

A photographer is chased by professional killers who have mistaken him for the person they're really after.

Nataly Fish

Ten Dead Men

Ten Dead Men

Ryan, un tueur à la solde d'un gang, veut mettre toutes ses années de violence derrière lui et commencer une nouvelle vie avec la femme qu'il aime. Mais c'est sans compter sur les réactions du caïd de sa bande et de ses anciens frères de sang...

Nataly Fish

Among Dead Men

Among Dead Men

Bobby Delgado, undefeated MMA World Champion is incarcerated for eight years after accidentally killing his opponent. During this period of purgatory, Bobby experiences a paranormal 'life changing' event that will dictate his future path to redemption. Infuriated by the financial loss and the death of his master fighter, Jarvis Sweet swears vengean..

Nataly Fish

Dead Men Talking

Dead Men Talking

With an audience of 40 million, Ding Yu, a beautiful Chinese journalist interviews condemned prisoners shortly before execution. But what about the emotional burden this is having on Ding Yu herself?

Nataly Fish

Dead men skiing

Dead men skiing

A billionaire invites a failed writer, a misogynistic psychiatrist, a cocaine-sniffing children's TV star, and a psychotic journalist to a haunted cabin for Easter. A thrilling detective game turns deadly when one is found beheaded. Trapped by a snowstorm, they are forced expose the murderer among them, before it is too late. Based on Knut Nærums ..

Nataly Fish

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