
Dead Rising: Endgame

Dead Rising: Endgame

Dans la zone de quarantaine de la zone Est de Mission City, le journaliste d'investigation Chase Carter doit arrêter un complot secret du gouvernement qui, pour mettre fin à l'épidémie de zombification qui y sévit, va tuer des millions de civils innocents.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

A la veille des fêtes de Noël, Frank et sa famille se rendent en voiture chez les parents de sa femme pour y passer le réveillon. Mais le père a le malheur de prendre un raccourci. Sur leur route, ils croisent bientôt une femme en blanc, qui augure de mauvais présages...

Nataly Fish

Rue sans issue

Rue sans issue

Baby Face Martin, un gangster désabusé, revient sur les lieux de sa jeunesse, sur East Side street. Malheureusement pour lui, ce retour ne sera qu'une deception car sa mère le considère comme un meurtrier et son amour d'enfance a sombré dans la prostitution...

Nataly Fish

Détour mortel 2

Détour mortel 2

Six concurrents d'un jeu de téléréalité, "The Ultimate Survivalist", sont envoyés pendant six jours dans une simulation de monde post-apocalyptique dans l'ouest de la Virginie. Rapidement, les participants vont se rendre compte qu'ils devront lutter pour sauver leur vie, menacée par des cannibales.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

Un labyrinthe. Des amis. Un labyrinthe. Des amis terrifiés. Un labyrinthe hors de l'ordinaire.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

Carl Foster takes off on a well-deserved weekend break with his family knowing only too well that focus on work has impacted his relationship with his wife, young son, and teenage step-daughter. But after a short but restful break in the journey Carl awakens to find himself tied and bound in an old roadside diner, his family trussed and gagged next..

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

After a deadly plague rapidly wipes out humanity and transforms the dead into walking dead, a small band of survivors document their fight for survival through the lens of a camera, capturing what could be their last few days alive.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

Two brothers come into contact after a very long time due to the discovery that the world is going to end. Together, they find themselves face-to-face with the inevitable dilemma to either save the reality of their relationship or the world's existence.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

In the mid-sixties Chang Cheh changed the face of female dominated films with his male dominated, violent kung-fu films. Dead End was the start of a new force that lasted 6 years, the first film to star David Chiang and Ti Lung under director Chang's discerning eye. The trouble all begins when Chen Hung-lieh's character disapproves of Ti Lung's cha..

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

After his ex-wife dies in a fall from her balcony, PoliceSgt. Henry Smovinsky gets custody of his troubled teenage son. Smovinsky soon finds out that his ex-wife was a high-class hooker, her death was not a suicide and that the police have chosen him as their prime suspect. Maggie Furness is the only cop willing to help him protect his son and trac..

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

A man at the end of his rope, gets carjacked by 2 addicts and goes on a surreal journey.

Nataly Fish

Le Drive-In De L'Enfer

Le Drive-In De L'Enfer

Dans un futur délabré, Crabs est un jeune homme qui continue à vivre malgré le tumulte : son beau-père est remorqueur, mais pas dans le sens traditionel du terme; les accidents du futur sont une "aubaine" pour les ferrailleurs qui font leur fric en ramassant les carcasses de voitures et en laissant les cadavres derrière eux. Un soir, le type..

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

A woman receives a menacing phone call from a stranger and is later plagued by a series of eerie circumstances after she parks her car in a local parking garage.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

This is the story of a small town outside of LA where crystal meth is manufactured. A young couple struggles to get out of a life of drugs, crime and violence. Their love, strength and resilience is put to the ultimate test as this Dead End town refuses to release the grip it has on their lives.

Nataly Fish

One Piece, film 4 : L'Aventure sans issue

One Piece, film 4 : L'Aventure sans issue

Alors que Luffy et son équipage tentent d'échapper aux Marines, ils arrivent sur l'île d'Hannabal. Dans un bar ils apprennent qu'une course "underground" appelée hullabaloo est organisée et que le vainqueur empochera la somme de 300 000 000 bellis. Nami par sa soif de l'argent ordonne à Luffy de participer à cette course où tous les coups s..

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

A pair of serial killers travel the Southwest, committing murders along the way. However, their crimes come back to haunt them as they pass through the desert on an Indian reservation when they begin to see what they think are the ghosts of their victims.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

The loss of youth, social and professional activity intensifies the sense of loneliness, the obsessions and the "dead end" in the life of an elderly couple.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

Dans un univers cyberpunk, Esis tombe nez à nez avec un robot dans une ruelle. Ce dernier étant inerte, elle décide de mener une expérience.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

On a desert road a mysterious little box is the cause of a conflict between three characters. All characters are fascinated by the contents of the box and want to obtain it, no matter what. Confidence in each other and trust and distrust come close together in this animation.

Nataly Fish

Dead End

Dead End

Demonic entities haunt Tina Tanaka after she decides to pursue uncovering the case of the masked-killer who had claimed the lives of school-children in her small town. Her devotion to the case manifests frightening paranormal activities around her. The spirits haunt her in wake and sleep. Tina reaches out to the local priest who sheds light on her ..

Nataly Fish

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