


Une terrible maladie, qui se transmet par voie sexuelle, a fait son apparition sur le continent américain. L'agent infectieux, d'une virulence stupéfiante, a déjà causé la mort d'une grande partie de la population. Pour enrayer le fléau, les personnes contaminées sont séquestrées dans des camps d'où elles ne pourront plus sortir. Un group..

Nataly Fish



A Los Angeles, un tremblement de terre provoque un énorme accident de métro qui se heurte à un tunnel effondré dans les sous-terrains de la ville. Quelques survivants se regroupent afin de sortir des décombres; mais bientôt, de nouvelles secousses se font ressentir...

Nataly Fish



A married man is having an affair with another man. After some time apart, the two men spend a night together in a family vacation home in Tagaytay, Cavite. Together in such close quarters, the two are left with nothing to do but to confront the realities of their relationship.

Nataly Fish



An Austrian soldier must choose between a wealthy fiancee and a new girl who takes his fancy.

Nataly Fish



A mysterious barber hides a secret identity that eventually leads to tragedy.

Nataly Fish



A young scholar witnesses the murder of a drug pusher and has to decide to either inform the police or help the brother of the murdered man, who is out for vengeance.

Nataly Fish



Part-time couriers to the mob, Marty and Jack, are hired to deliver a semi-truck to an unknown locale in the woods. Just as they arrive at their destination, the two are separated as war erupts between three rival criminal organizations. A group of Irish nationalists, a pair of Portuguese gangsters, and a French restaurateur, all of whom are claimi..

Nataly Fish



In Edinburgh, Jed is a drug dealer who runs a club who's luck finally runs out when he loses the money he owes to Chan. He is also having problems with his girlfriends Anna and the two are drifting apart. Anna meanwhile has befriended a pornographer and is starting to get to know him. Friends with both Jed and Anna, Eve does what she can, but she t..

Nataly Fish



Babies bouncing in toy chairs, friends competing at the bowling alley: each moment of this found footage collage, composed entirely of home videos shot on September 10, 2001, is tinged with dread for the era to come.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



The plans of an innocent and gullible middle-aged actor to reconcile with his estranged son are thwarted when he becomes an unwitting accomplice in an international plot to take down the Vatican Bank.

Nataly Fish



"Very short film based on a simple idea, loosely inspired by Magritte's paintings. Shot in Paris with anamorphic lenses." - Patrick Jean

Nataly Fish



En 2019, les vampires ont pris le contrôle de notre planète. Les humains ne sont plus qu'une petite minorité, entretenue uniquement pour nourrir la population dominante. Edward Dalton est un vampire qui travaille dans la recherche. Il refuse de se nourrir de sang humain et œuvre sans relâche à la mise au point d'un substitut qui pourrait à l..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Sept hommes à l'aube

Sept hommes à l'aube

En 1941, Kubis, Curda et Gabcik, d'origine tchèque, se sont réfugiés à Londres. Ils s'y préparent pour une mission de la plus haute importance : l'assassinat de Reinhard Heydrich, qui n'est ni plus ni moins que le bras droit d'Hitler. Parachutés en pleine campagne tchèque, ils entrent en contact avec la résistance locale.

Nataly Fish

Daybreak Express

Daybreak Express

Set to a classic Duke Ellington recording "Daybreak Express", this is a five-minute short of the soon-to-be-demolished Third Avenue elevated subway station in New York City.

Nataly Fish

Le jour se lève

Le jour se lève

Une dispute se fait entendre dans une maison ouvrière de banlieue. Coup de feu, porte qui claque. Un homme, Valentin, roule sur les marches, mort. L'assassin, François, se barricade dans sa chambre. La police arrive et assiège la maison. Pendant la nuit, François revoit les étapes du drame, son amour pour Françoise, la jeune fleuriste, sortie..

Nataly Fish

Daybreak in Udi

Daybreak in Udi

An African tribe in the Eastern Nigerian village of Umana work to build a maternity hospital, with the aid of government officials, and against the opposition of some tribal members.

Nataly Fish



Emi wants to talk to Ádám, but the turmoil of the party is pushing them further apart. Their friends seem to be having a good time, but they all have personal stories of unfulfilled love. At daybreak, Emi summons all her courage and tries to tell Ádám how she feels.

Nataly Fish

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