
Dark Winter

Dark Winter

Fearing for the safety of their children, two parents embark on a dangerous mission against the council of Ashton Falls.

Nataly Fish

Dark Winter

Dark Winter

A young nurse tries to cope with and balance the chaos that a once in a hundred year pandemic has forced into her life.

Nataly Fish

In the Winter Dark

In the Winter Dark

Fear of an unidentified livestock predator unites an Australian couple, an outcast, and an abandoned woman.

Nataly Fish

From Dark Eyes to Winter's Eternity

From Dark Eyes to Winter's Eternity

A film about raw and real teenage life that does not shy away from what is really occurring in today's society and what America has been blinded to. A film that will change millions of lives. The movie America has been waiting for all along.

Nataly Fish

Les Portes du temps

Les Portes du temps

La légende raconte que depuis la nuit des temps, des guerriers immortels, les Grands Anciens, protègent le monde de l'emprise des Ténèbres. Le jeune Will découvre qu'il est le dernier de cette longue lignée et qu'il a une mission à accomplir : lui seul a en effet le pouvoir de voyager dans le temps pour y retrouver des Signes de Lumière.

Nataly Fish

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