
Dark Star

Dark Star

« Dark Star » est un vaisseau spatial chargé de détruire les planètes qui encombrent le système solaire. Alors qu'il s'apprête à lancer une nouvelle bombe, une avarie se produit.

Nataly Fish

Star Trek : Voyager - Dark Frontier

Star Trek : Voyager - Dark Frontier

Dark Frontier "est un long métrage télévisé de Star Trek: Voyager, les 15e et 16e épisodes de la cinquième saison. Cet épisode a été diffusé à l'origine comme un long-métrage qui a ensuite été divisé en deux parties pour des rediffusions en syndication.

Nataly Fish

Dark Star : l'univers de HR Giger

Dark Star : l'univers de HR Giger

Un récit de la vie et de l'œuvre du peintre, sculpteur, architecte et designer suisse HR Giger (1940-2014), père tourmenté de créatures aussi effrayantes que fascinantes, habitants de mondes biomécaniques cauchemardesques.

Nataly Fish

Sinatra: Dark Star

Sinatra: Dark Star

Nataly Fish

Dark Around the Stars

Dark Around the Stars

Glen is on a drunken road trip when he plots to commit suicide on his birthday. His decision sends him on a spirited adventure.....

Nataly Fish

The Dark Star

The Dark Star

A fabulous jewel known as the 'Dark Star' is stolen; a pastor's daughter gets involved, falling into the depths of a spy plot concerning war plans and fortifications...

Nataly Fish

Stab in the Dark: All Stars

Stab in the Dark: All Stars

Is it possible to call a surfboard the best in the world? Is it possible to call a shaper the best in the world? Each year we invite 12 of the world’s best shapers to shape a clear and unmarked surfboard for an unknown surfer of specified height and weight. Neither the shaper nor surfer know who the other is in surfing’s ultimate double-blind t..

Nataly Fish

The Show Starts At Dark

The Show Starts At Dark

Director Steven Middleton explores the last seven operating drive-in movie theaters in Kentucky and discovers why drive-ins are becoming obsolete.

Nataly Fish

Invasion of the Dark Stars

Invasion of the Dark Stars

Theoretical beliefs long held in religious tradition gives sway to concrete evidence with actual video footage from beyond human perception. The realm of spirit has now been penetrated, and the unseeable is seen. What has long been held as mere concept has become tangible. This film is about the reality of fallen angels; a realm of great mystery th..

Nataly Fish

Dark Star Universe - Resistance Hangar: Outer Rim

Dark Star Universe - Resistance Hangar: Outer Rim

Just beyond the large asteroid belt sits the Andaluz outpost. This floating fortress is the first line of defense for the resistance movement in this outer rim sector. Resources are spread thin making relief unlikely for the Andaluz crew. The bonds between crew members is the driving force sustaining their insular community. The looming uncertainty..

Nataly Fish

The Dark Resurgence: A Star Wars Story

The Dark Resurgence: A Star Wars Story

At the fall of the Galactic Empire, a Sith Order emerged from the shadows to seize control of the Galaxy.

Nataly Fish

It Stares from the Dark

It Stares from the Dark

After a power outage a strange entity seems to be lurking around Michael's house.

Nataly Fish

Let There Be Light: The Odyssey of Dark Star

Let There Be Light: The Odyssey of Dark Star

Exploring the controversial story behind John Carpenter (Halloween & The Thing) and writer Dan O Bannon's (Alien & Return of the Living Dead) from first feature film. From its humble beginnings as a USC student film, to its modern day status as a cult masterpiece. It also offers a rare glimpse inside the creative minds of two USC film stude..

Nataly Fish

Staring at the Dark

Staring at the Dark

Thesis film from Jack Perez for NYU. Guy stares at the dark until Melora Walters enters his life.

Nataly Fish

Planet X - Dark Red Star on a Collision Course With Earth

Planet X - Dark Red Star on a Collision Course With Earth

Planet X is the first and only video to fully explain the mysteries of Genesis 6 and Revelation 9. The Bible prophesies that a staggering army of 200 million demons will be released from the bottomless pit in the last days. Having a King, or dark angel, over them named Abaddon, these fiery, serpentine demons will torment mankind and massacre multit..

Nataly Fish

Art in the Public Eye: The Making of Dark Star Park

Art in the Public Eye: The Making of Dark Star Park

This piece documents the process behind the creation of Holt's major public art installation, Dark Star Park, in Arlington, Virginia. The park, which features giant concrete spheres and pipes, allows the visitor to reconsider the experience of space, earth and sky within an urban context. It also serves as a kind of contemporary Stonehenge: once a ..

Nataly Fish

A Feather Stare at the Dark

A Feather Stare at the Dark

A story set in a world before ours. A world in chaos where forces of good and evil fight and mingle. By doing so, it creates the chance to give birth to the new world. A couple of winged beings make love and fly away. They bear a child in an egg, and when the child opens its eyes they are immediately destroyed, one consumed by fire and the other b..

Nataly Fish

The Journey of Stars Into the Dark Night

The Journey of Stars Into the Dark Night

Set in Mindanao, young Faisal, after both his parents were killed due to a ransom kidnapping, carries a bag filled with dollars and attempts to elude soldiers with his 2 new companions Amrayda and Fatima who are also in need of safety as violence and turmoil escalates in their parea.

Nataly Fish

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode II - Veil of the Dark Side

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Episode II - Veil of the Dark Side

Logan Starr and his crew continue their search for the Star Forge, a space station which holds the key to stopping the evil Sith Empire. As their quest unfolds, Logan comes to a startling discovery.

Nataly Fish

Beneath a Starless Sky as Dark and Thick as Ink

Beneath a Starless Sky as Dark and Thick as Ink

The Serbian collective Doplgenger applies a science-fiction format to 1960s-era footage of Yugoslav temporary migrant labourers in transit to Western Europe, in an inquiry about how these movements reflect on the situation today.

Nataly Fish

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