
Dark Angels

Dark Angels

A faith-based action movie about a woman who faces a choice between her abusive, drug-dealing husband and her unborn baby on the way. Her world is full of sex, drugs, money, and power, with violence an ever-present threat. On the mean streets of Atlanta, the expectant mother finds that only spiritual awareness and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalyps..

Nataly Fish

Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Une femme destinée à la liberté réussit à échapper à l'enfer. Quand elle arrive des égouts de la Terre, elle décide de punir les pécheurs. Mais la dernière chose qu'elle espérait trouver était l'amour.

Nataly Fish

Dark Angels: The Demon Pit

Dark Angels: The Demon Pit

A group of Rogue Angels assigned to deliver damned souls to hell turn dark, becoming executioners of mankind before they have the opportunity to repent.

Nataly Fish

Eko Eko Azarak 3 - Misa the Dark Angel

Eko Eko Azarak 3 - Misa the Dark Angel

Misa Kuroi is a good witch, but wherever she goes, evil follows. When a dying girl appears out of nowhere shouting Misa's name, our heroine goes to work. Following the clues, Misa transfers to the prestigious Saint Salem School for Girls and joins the Drama Club. Soon all the girls depart for a mysterious Drama Camp, deep in the woods.

Nataly Fish

My Dark Angels

My Dark Angels

A teenage girl with paranormal visions confronts a mental health professional with a deadly turn.

Nataly Fish

Dark Angels of Destiny

Dark Angels of Destiny

Five people who sworn as children that they will decide about their small town's destiny, share the power among themselves.

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 2

Angel of Darkness 2

This slice of shot-on-video hentai horror kicks off with a crazy old woman stealing what looks like all-butter shortbread from three statues wearing red hats. This causes an earthquake which releases ancient demon spores from a cave into a nearby pool of water. Unfortunately, this pool is precisely where a lesbian professor—part of a group of stu..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 3

Angel of Darkness 3

Manami, the sole survivor of Angel of Darkness 2, is rushed to hospital where she slips into a deep sleep. A priest correctly suspects that the demon (now referred to as an Injuu) is inside Manami's body, but by the time he is able to confirm his theory, the creature has already moved on. As before, the tentacled beastie passes from host to host (b..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 5

Angel of Darkness 5

College life getting you down? Switch to Seika College where the students are getting a whole new lesson in sexual education! Michiru's classes were dull and boring until her classmates, Chie, Saori and Takeru, started taking extra classes at a new night school. Utilizing subliminal messaging, the school helps their students ace their daytime colle..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 4

Angel of Darkness 4

This time around, the demon is trapped inside sexy but wholesome schoolgirl Izumi, but is unable to get up to its usual tricks (rampant orifice invasion) thanks to the crucifix that she wears around her neck. Out to locate and destroy the monster are a nun and a priest, but their efforts are hampered by Izumi's evil protector Sakiko, who does her b..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 1

Angel of Darkness 1

Miki, Eiko et Ryoko sont trois écolières délurées qui se procurent de l'argent de poche en se prostituant à la sortie de l'école. Passant outre les leçons de morale de leur copine Noriko, bravant les foudres de la direction de leur école et les avertissements du gentil professeur Tojo, elles s'installent, le soir venu, sur un banc du centre..

Nataly Fish

Femme damnées

Femme damnées

Peu de temps après avoir tenté de mettre fin à ses jours, en se jetant par la fenêtre du bordel dans lequel elle travaille, Tamara, une prostituée romaine, apprend que la maison close est sur le point de fermer.

Nataly Fish

Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Despite the strange death of Jorge's previous wives, Elisa decides to marry him.

Nataly Fish

Angel in the Dark

Angel in the Dark

Sato regular Koichi Imaizumi stars as a man obsessed with high school girls and their uniforms, viewing them as innocent and untainted. He begins an affair with one such girl (Yuri Ishihara), who is unmercifully bullied by her classmates and thus vulnerable to Imaizumi's attentions. After a time, Ishihara begins to manipulate her suitor, talking hi..

Nataly Fish

Un cri dans la nuit

Un cri dans la nuit

Inspiré d'un drame réel qui eut lieu dans l'outback australien en 1980, "Un cri dans la nuit" raconte l'histoire d'une mère accusée d'infanticide, son bébé ayant disparu, alors qu'elle campait, enlevé, d'après sa version, par un dingo, chien sauvage australien. Ce film pose surtout le problème de la presse à grand tirage du monde entier q..

Nataly Fish

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