


Mentally ill. Deviant. Diseased. And in need of a cure. These were among the terms psychiatrists used to describe gay women and men in the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s. And as long as they were “sick”, progress toward equality was impossible. This documentary chronicles the battle waged by a small group of activists who declared war against a ..

Nataly Fish



A young woman, possessed by a demonic entity, encounters a doctor with a very unusual method for performing exorcisms.

Nataly Fish



CURED is a drama/horror dealing with the haunting aftermath of a pandemic. After being quarantined, Amy's return home creates tension within her family. Can the once infected ever return to the life they've led before?

Nataly Fish



These people are sick of dancing.

Nataly Fish



Inspired by the outrageous misconceptions and fear surrounding homosexuality which often results in shockingly absurd and stupid statements. In this short mockumentary, our protagonist tells us about his own experience attending a conversion therapy, as well as the surreal lies that society has convinced him to believe.

Nataly Fish

The Cured

The Cured

Quelques années après une épidémie fulgurante qui a transformé une partie de la population européenne en zombies, la découverte et la diffusion d'un vaccin ont permis de soigner les personnes atteintes. Elle gardent cependant le souvenir des atrocités qu'elles ont commises sous l'emprise du virus...

Nataly Fish

Donald a sa Crise

Donald a sa Crise

Donald rend visite à Daisy Duck ; seulement, lorsqu'il échoue à ouvrir une fenêtre, il entre dans une colère noire, met pratiquement à sac la maison de cette dernière, qui refuse ensuite de le revoir tant qu'il n'aura pas réussi à maîtriser son tempérament...

Nataly Fish

Cured in the Excitement

Cured in the Excitement

Cured in the Excitement is a 1927 Comedy short film.

Nataly Fish



Un officier de police, Takabe, enquête sur une série de meurtres dont les victimes sont retrouvées avec une croix gravée dans le cou. Un jour, un jeune vagabond est arrêté près de l'endroit ou a été retrouvé le dernier corps. Il est vite identifié comme un ancien étudiant en psychologie, devenu fou et ayant d'inquiétants pouvoirs hypno..

Nataly Fish

What If Cannabis Cured Cancer

What If Cannabis Cured Cancer

Could the chemicals found in marijuana prevent and even heal several deadly cancers? Could the tumor regulating properties of cannabinoids someday replace the debilitating drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation that harms as often as it heals? Discover the truth about this ancient medicine as world renowned scientists in the field of cannabinoid resear..

Nataly Fish

Pretty Cure All Stars F

Pretty Cure All Stars F

Au plus profond de la galaxie, Cure Sky et Cure Prism sont soudainement obligés de se lâcher les mains, alors que Sky est entraîné de l'autre côté de la Terre. Tout cela est surveillé par une mystérieuse entité extraterrestre. Lorsque Sora se réveille, elle se retrouve dans une terre aride, avant d'être attaquée par un monstre. Elle est..

Nataly Fish

Slippery Slim Gets Cured

Slippery Slim Gets Cured

Sophie tries curing Slim's drinking problem by forcing him to drink ammonia, but it doesn't work.

Nataly Fish

Taloche et Cure-Dent

Taloche et Cure-Dent

Her name is Punchy, his is Toothpick. They are 10 year old runaways. Living in the back-alley of an unknown industrial city, they build their own happy family.

Nataly Fish



Leon Errol and his wife try to prevent their nephew's romance.

Nataly Fish

Satan Cured My Autism

Satan Cured My Autism

When Jimmy, a typical autistic guy, is mysteriously duplicated, he must reconcile the two halves of his self – the side that wants to fit in, and the side that wants to be freaky.

Nataly Fish

The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured

The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured

The story of the innocent who gets caught, charged and executed while the real criminal is like an innocent baby watching.

Nataly Fish

Home Cured

Home Cured

Johnny is a hypochondriac and he spends all of his time fussing over his health instead of paying attention to his lovely wife. The wife and the family doctor pretend he is going to die -- and behave in a heartless fashion that gets him to lose his temper and get out of his sickbed forever.

Nataly Fish

HUGtto! Pretty Cure♡Futari wa Pretty Cure: All Stars Memories

HUGtto! Pretty Cure♡Futari wa Pretty Cure: All Stars Memories

A vengeful teru teru bozu-like monster called Miden is stealing all of the Cures' magical powers and memories, turning them into helpless infants, barring Nagisa Misumi and Hana Nono. They must help the affected Cures to regain their abilities and fight off this new menance.

Nataly Fish

Cured of Fears

Cured of Fears

During an excavation, archaeologist Magdalena (Lina Santos) accidentally resurrects a centuries-old vampire named Vladimir, who promptly disappears. When she attempts to warn authorities, she's locked away in a mental hospital for a spell. Upon release, she sets out to stop the vampire, who's now taken over a nightclub.

Nataly Fish

Pretty Cure All Stars DX: Everyone Is a Friend - A Miracle All Pretty Cures Together

Pretty Cure All Stars DX: Everyone Is a Friend - A Miracle All Pretty Cures Together

Love, Miki and Inori are on their way to a dance contest, but get lost on their way to Minato Mirai. Still looking for their way, they are attacked by a monster. When the three Fresh Precure girls start to fight it, other Precures show up to support them. They all have to combine their powers to win against this mighty enemy.

Nataly Fish

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