


There is nothing left to do but complain.

Nataly Fish

Can't Complain

Can't Complain

Elevés par leur père pour se faire passer pour la même personne, trois frères triplés s'éprennent de la même femme lorsque l'un d'eux sollicite une aide psychiatrique.

Nataly Fish

Give Me a Complaints Book

Give Me a Complaints Book

A group of young motivated people are trying to convert old "Oduvanchik" restaurant in to a youth club.

Nataly Fish

The Complaint

The Complaint

Mona participe à un week-end de team building avec ses collègues, lorsqu'elle reçoit une plainte anonyme pour comportement inapproprié sur le lieu de travail. Un jeu de détective se met alors en place pour démasquer le ou la collègue à l'origine de cette accusation.

Nataly Fish

Without Complaint

Without Complaint

Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.

Nataly Fish

I can not complain

I can not complain

This short movie takes place inside a peculiar Complaint Office, a setting out of this world, where anybody can lodge a complaint, even the most absurde ones. In the county office, two employees are surrounded by documents and folders, trying desperately to find the right solutions to the crazy claims they receive. As source of inspiration, a goldf..

Nataly Fish

Road Complaints

Road Complaints

A plasticine cartoon based on Alexander Pushkin's notes about the fabulous village of Goryukhino. The poet travels in a carriage across Russia. Pictures of village life float by. In the head of the poet, fairy-tale images are born, in which the heroes of works familiar to everyone are recognized ...

Nataly Fish

The Complaint of an Empress

The Complaint of an Empress

This first film by choreographer Pina Bausch reflects her method of working as developed with the Wuppertal Theatre of Dance during the 1973/74 season. The film does not tell a story, but is made up of various scenes put together as a collage with scenes set in different locations. The futility of human activity and the search for love make up the ..

Nataly Fish

The Book of Complaints and Suggestions

The Book of Complaints and Suggestions

Yulia is a worker in a cafe. She watches how an ordinary visitor sits at the table, but this time he is upset. Children run to the cafe, go to the main character, she gives them candy for good entries in the diary. After a while, a mysterious visitor appears and gives her the "Book of Complaints and Suggestions" and says that what she writes there ..

Nataly Fish

Can't Complain

Can't Complain

Tuva's father is a psychologist and her mother is mentally ill. Tuva flies to the imaginary friends from one of her dad's porn videos.

Nataly Fish

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