
Come Out Fighting

Come Out Fighting

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une escouade de soldats afro-américains est envoyée en mission de sauvetage derrière les lignes ennemies pour retrouver leur commandant perdu et un pilote de chasse abattu.

Nataly Fish

Come Out Fighting

Come Out Fighting

The police commissioner asks some local street kids to toughen up his ballet-loving son.

Nataly Fish

Come Out Fighting

Come Out Fighting

A classic tale of love and survival in the brutal world of bare knuckle fighting. Powerfully told and acted by a wonderful ensemble of actors. Jazz and Gia each struggle to survive in their "other-side-of-the-tracks worlds. He desperately looks for a way out of the dark past that haunts him and the violence he faces daily as a bare knuckle fighter...

Nataly Fish

Come Out Fighting

Come Out Fighting

Aboriginal boxer Al Dawson is torn by the demands of fight promoters and aboriginal protestors. He eventually decides to reject them all and gives away his chance at a world title.

Nataly Fish

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