


Coexist tells the emotional stories of women who survived the Rwandan genocide in 1994. They continue to cope with the loss of their families as the killers who created this trauma return from jail back to the villages where they once lived. Faced with these perpetrators on a daily basis, the victims must decide whether they can forgive them or not..

Nataly Fish



Dela is a blind captain living on Hormuz Island in Southern Iran. While geopolitical tensions between Iran and the US rise, he practices a unique method of making bread that uses three unexpected elements from the island.

Nataly Fish

Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyōsei

Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyōsei

Meicoomon se déchaîne après avoir vu Meiko Mochizuki se faire blesser par l'homme ressemblant à Gennai. « Il aurait mieux valu que tu ne naisses pas… » Meicoomon disparaît dans le monde réel, qui s'est depuis déformé. Possédant un pouvoir écrasant, il est la clé de la destruction du monde.

Nataly Fish



Sous la pression de sa patronne, un producteur de musique à la dérive décide de monter un groupe constitué d'un rabbin, un curé et un imam afin de leur faire chanter le vivre-ensemble. Mais les religieux qu’il recrute sont loin d’être des saints…

Nataly Fish

Can Love and Independence Coexist?

Can Love and Independence Coexist?

Dig into Zora Neale Hurston's classic novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God," which follows Janie Crawford in her search for love and agency.

Nataly Fish

The Coexist Comedy Tour

The Coexist Comedy Tour

Comedy Tour stars six comics, a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist and atheist, trying to coexist.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Cafe Coexistence

Cafe Coexistence

Alan, a trust-fund twenty-something activist and proud malcontent opens a Native American themed coffee shop on tribal land with his life partner believing that he himself is a quarter...

Nataly Fish

Tudo Coexiste. Aqui. Aqui. Aqui. Aqui. Aqui.
Co-Existing Energy

Co-Existing Energy

Coping with the death of his father, a man and his friend talk spiritually on the beach about him.

Nataly Fish

FRICK! or The Side Effects of Coexisting

FRICK! or The Side Effects of Coexisting

FRICK! or the side effects of co-existing explores the emotional underpinnings in a close friendship that is starting to come apart at the seams in Los Angeles. When the house is shaken and split a girl proves one of the boys to see the error of his ways.

Nataly Fish



Two Muslim immigrant students in America sharing a homestay like each other at first sight. As crazy football fans, they hit it off right from the beginning. However, as the day unwinds, politics intervenes, and they find out that are from two different Muslim sects. Shared moments and laughter are forgotten, and they talk of parting ways when a ho..

Nataly Fish

Coexistence of Diversity

Coexistence of Diversity

At the Elementary School "Ahmet Hromadžić" in Bosanski Petrovac, there is a good practice that religious education teachers take students to visit various facilities of religious communities that exist in the city in an organized manner once a year. In this way, children get acquainted with the specifics of other religious communities, which resu..

Nataly Fish




Nataly Fish



A woman suffering from the trauma of losing her doughtier.

Nataly Fish



National problems between the bride of Swabian origin and the bridegroom from Székelys of Bucovina burst out in the marriage, but the film also shows the possibility for reconciliation.

Nataly Fish

Faisal's Memoirs | Coexistence

Faisal's Memoirs | Coexistence

Episode one

Nataly Fish

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