


Lorsque le clown engagé pour animer l'anniversaire de son fils leur fait faux bond, un père de famille doit prendre la relève et lui-même revêtir un déguisement de clown pour assurer le spectacle. Mais très vite, il réalise que le costume est devenu une seconde peau dont il ne pourra se débarasser. A moins d'accomplir une mission macabre....

Nataly Fish



A group of teens fights for their lives as they find themselves trapped in a fun-house, stalked by a killer clown who won't rest until every last one of them is dead.

Nataly Fish



Follow a little toy clown, thrown away with a load of old discarded toys, as he goes on a journey to find a new loving home for himself and his friends.

Nataly Fish



A young boy is kidnapped by torturous circus clowns in the late 1800s. The boy's violent trials shape him into a killer, in his own right.

Nataly Fish



A young French boy and his dog Clown romp happily through the streets, until one day the boy stops to play cards with friends in a park. After the game, Clown is seen running off. The little boy searches the streets for his beloved pet. Along with Larry Yust's 'Lottery', 'Clown' was possibly one of the two best selling ed films ever made. On the s..

Nataly Fish



An ordinary boy's life has always been unjust. His hot sister is brutally raped in front of him. Injustice is done to the mother. When his back is against the wall, his black side comes out.

Nataly Fish



Madness can be closer than you think. A short story of a nightmare within.

Nataly Fish



Tension is high when a suspicious looking customer walks into a bank. Everyone inside freezes with caution, awaiting his first move.

Nataly Fish



A clown show

Nataly Fish



A drug dealing Clown has a mix up during a drug deal.

Nataly Fish



Five college students spend a weekend in a desolate cabin in the mountains only to be terrorized by a man dressed as a clown.

Nataly Fish



A fake trailer for a film. A man finds a clown suit he wears for his son birthday party. But afterwards, the suit won't come off.

Nataly Fish



A woman remembers the moments with her lover and believes she's made herself ridiculous. She's become a clown.

Nataly Fish



In the three-channel film installation Clown (2005), the absurd and slightly uncanny figure of a clown emerges from the impenetrable lushness of the Brazilian jungle. His red nose contrasts with the green forest. Starting from the right-hand side, he passes through all three screens, stumbling towards us, following a streamlet, before finally disap..

Nataly Fish



Eight-year-old Sami can't wait to play “serial killers” with her older sister Jiya, but her sister-time is threatened when Jiya's cool new bestie arrives.

Nataly Fish



From director Evan Maggit, “Clown” is a suspenseful and eerie psychological horror short film that delves into the fears and dark twists surrounding coulrophobia (the abnormal fear of clowns), through a seemingly innocent encounter that spirals into a night of terror, set in October 2016.

Nataly Fish

Les Clowns tueurs venus d'ailleurs

Les Clowns tueurs venus d'ailleurs

Une météorite portant en elle des clowns assoiffés de sang tombe sur la Terre. La bande de clowns commence alors à tuer tous les habitants d'une petite ville à coups de gags mortels…

Nataly Fish



Un groupe d’amis échoue dans un village où ils ne vont pas tarder à être pris en chasse par un gang de psychopathes déguisés en clowns.

Nataly Fish

Les Clowns

Les Clowns

Depuis sa précoce enfance, Fellini est attiré, voire subjugué, par le cirque. Il entreprend ici une sorte de voyage nostalgique à la rencontre des anciens clowns et de leurs souvenirs.

Nataly Fish

Dark Clown

Dark Clown

Richard Grindle est clown d’anniversaire, un métier gratifiant, mais pas toujours facile. Un jour, il tombe sur une bande d’enfants particulièrement vicieux et en devient la tragique victime. Des années plus tard, il revient avec la ferme intention de tous les massacrer. La fête peut enfin (re)commencer.

Nataly Fish

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