
Missing Close-ups

Missing Close-ups

Jeff Keen thought that some of his previous films had been dominated by long-shots. In this film he grapples with the language of cinema, not as a means to inspire audience identification, but rather to make up for an imbalance.

Nataly Fish

Nature in Close-Ups

Nature in Close-Ups

The power of the Close-up Shot is fully displayed, dozens of species filmed in the Australian Bush, usually only available to the few keen observers in Nature, are presented to the general public, to dive into the magnificent Natural World.

Nataly Fish

Fades and Close-Ups

Fades and Close-Ups

…was shot in black and white Super 8mm and is accompanied by a soundtrack of drumming and deep breathing. The camera fades in and out on a symmetrical series of lovely, grainy close-ups of the naked, apparently sleeping forms of a male and a female (Huot himself and Carol Kinne). The film is closely related to, and would be especially interesting..

Nataly Fish



37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.

Nataly Fish



Cinéphile obsessionnel et sans emploi, Hossein Sabzian ne peut résister à la tentation de se faire passer pour le célèbre cinéaste Mohsen Makhmalbaf à qui il ressemble, afin de s’attirer les faveurs d’une famille iranienne bourgeoise. Une fois démasqué, cet homme est traîné devant la justice pour escroquerie. Apprenant ce fait divers..

Nataly Fish

Kiarostami in Close up

Kiarostami in Close up

A documentary that focuses on Abbas Kiarostami's cinematic philosophy talking to himself and other figures, and also seeks the opinion about his works both inside and outside his homeland.

Nataly Fish

Osama Bin Laden: Up Close and Personal

Osama Bin Laden: Up Close and Personal

Four years after a Navy SEAL team killed Osama Bin Laden in a raid on his compound, his correspondence sheds new light on his mindset and final years.

Nataly Fish

Up Close Again

Up Close Again

Melanie drives a taxi in Amsterdam. She likes the work for the independence and freedom it offers her and interacting with her passengers. But on this night, she picks up someone she knows. Dennis, with whom she was once intimate with but who went way too far and abused her trust and her body. Melanie seizes the opportunity to have a conversation s..

Nataly Fish

Opening Day of Close-Up

Opening Day of Close-Up

At his cinema in Rome, the Nuovo Sacher, Nanni Moretti anxiously oversees preparations for the premiere of the film Close-up, by Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. Meanwhile Disney's The Lion King is taking Italy by storm.

Nataly Fish

Bolaño, Up Close and Personal

Bolaño, Up Close and Personal

Generously included as a bonus DVD alongside the 502-page Bolaño salvaje, a book of essays about and reminiscences on the Chilean novelist/poet published by the Barcelona-based Editorial Candy. Bolaño cercano [a difficult to translate title approximating something like Bolaño, Up Close and Personal], which offers up a sympathetic portrait of Bol..

Nataly Fish

Close Up of Solitude

Close Up of Solitude

A close look at our world during the pandemic.

Nataly Fish

Fidel Up Close

Fidel Up Close

Fidel Up Close delves into the lesser-known facets of Fidel Castro’s personal and intimate life from the perspective of those closest to him, including his children, close family members, delegates, and employees. The documentary spans Fidel’s early years, when he started a movement that led to the popular insurgency which defeated Cuban dictat..

Nataly Fish

Hotter Up Close

Hotter Up Close

On the eve of his 30th birthday, a gay slacker must overcome his crippling insecurities in order to find love.

Nataly Fish

A Fly Up Close

A Fly Up Close

The morning routine of Man, waking up in his colorful bedroom to walking his bleak apartment. The pleasant comfort of taking his time with coffee and music gets interrupted by strangers in black suits.

Nataly Fish

Elephants Up Close

Elephants Up Close

This is the cinematic version of the miniseries "Elefanten hautnah" and will be released theatrically in The Netherlands.

Nataly Fish

The Truth Close-Up

The Truth Close-Up

An animated short film that deconstructs and exposes the exhausted Soviet cliches in search of truth which is traditional for glasnost and perestroika era.

Nataly Fish

Close-Up Kurdistan

Close-Up Kurdistan

A trip back to the own roots, into the troubled country of Kurdistan.

Nataly Fish

Extras. Close-Up

Extras. Close-Up

This story is about ambitious people who dream of becoming stars, being recognized at the streets and interviewed for the front-pages stories. Day after day, they do their ordinary jobs but every spare minute they follow their silver screen dream – they work as extras.

Nataly Fish

Up Close: the War in the 1950s

Up Close: the War in the 1950s

A propaganda documentary for the 70th anniversary of the Korean War.

Nataly Fish

'Close-Up' Long Shot

'Close-Up' Long Shot

Hossain Sabzian and some of his associates discuss his character, his life-long obsession with cinema and his attitude towards the film he starred in, "Close-Up" (1990).

Nataly Fish

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