
Les Lumières de la ville

Les Lumières de la ville

Un vagabond s’éprend d’une belle et jeune vendeuse de fleurs aveugle qui vit avec sa mère, couverte de dettes. Suite à un quiproquo, la fleuriste s’imagine le misérable, qui vient de lui acheter une fleur, en milliardaire…

Nataly Fish

City Lights

City Lights

Deepak Singh était un ancien militaire et possédait un petit magasin de vêtements dans un village du Rajasthan. Lorsque sa vie a été frappée par une tragédie, il a émigré à Mumbai, avec sa femme et son jeune enfant, dans l'espoir d'une vie meilleure. Cependant, à son arrivée, il découvre rapidement les défis de la vie dans une grande ..

Nataly Fish

Les feux de la nuit

Les feux de la nuit

Jamie, qui aspire à devenir écrivain, quitte le Kansas de son enfance pour rejoindre New York. Marqué par la mort de sa mère, abandonné par sa petite amie, il s' adonne à tous les excès, au risque de se perdre...

Nataly Fish

City Lights

City Lights

A night security guard and a cleaner in opposite office blocks have a interesting courtship.

Nataly Fish

City Lights

City Lights

Deepak Singh is a farmer in Rajasthan. When his life struck by a tragedy, he migrates to Mumbai, with his wife and young child, hoping for a better life. However, upon arriving, he soon discovers the challenges of life in a big city.

Nataly Fish

City Lights

City Lights

Nataly Fish

City of Tiny Lights

City of Tiny Lights

Tommy Akhtar est un détective cynique, accro au bourbon et à la nicotine. En allant retrouver un jour une prostituée de luxe, il se retrouve empêtré dans une affaire louche. Tel Sherlock Holmes, il mène une enquête sur une disparition qui lui fera découvrir un autre aspect de Londres, une ville gangrénée par la corruption et le fanatisme ..

Nataly Fish

Un Noël en Californie: Les lumières de la ville

Un Noël en Californie: Les lumières de la ville

Le film suit Callie et Joseph un an après leur amour. Ils dirigent maintenant une ferme laitière et un vignoble, mais leur histoire d'amour est menacée lorsque des obligations professionnelles et familiales rappellent Joseph en ville.

Nataly Fish

Behind City Lights

Behind City Lights

This Republic programmer stars Lynne Roberts as a country gal who is slickered by a couple of city-fied jewel thieves, played by Peter Cookson and Jerome Cowan. Roberts is set up for a patsy by these two rogues, and nearly ends up in jail-and later on, narrowly escapes being rubbed out by gangsters.

Nataly Fish

Chaplin Today: 'City Lights'

Chaplin Today: 'City Lights'

In 1928, as the talkies threw the film industry and film language into turmoil, Chaplin decided that his Tramp character would not be heard. City Lights would not be a talking picture, but it would have a soundtrack. Chaplin personally composed a musical score and sound effects for the picture. With Peter Lord, the famous co-creator of Chicken Run ..

Nataly Fish

City Lights: John Huston

City Lights: John Huston

American film director John Huston is interviewed in this episode of a Canadian television series.

Nataly Fish

Runrig - City Of Lights

Runrig - City Of Lights

This is the first Runrig video, filmed by Scottish Television in 1990, with live footage of the Barrowlands Ballroom Concert in Glasgow. The audience figure was over one million and catapulted Runrig into prominence in Scotland. Song listing: 1. Air A’ chuan - 2. City of Lights - 3. Dance Called America - 4. Cnoc Na Feille 5. Siol Ghoraidh - 6...

Nataly Fish

Sleepless Nights & City Lights

Sleepless Nights & City Lights

Sleepless Nights and City Lights is the first ever live DVD from Australia's most prominent Hardcore/Metalcore act. This feature length DVD captures the band in front of a rapturous home town crowd at HQ's in Adelaide tearing through songs from the bands entire career. It also includes in depth interviews with each member discussing their rise, bre..

Nataly Fish

City of New Lights

City of New Lights

City Of New Lights, an independent skateboard video by Jarvis Nigelsky

Nataly Fish

Paris 1900: The City of Lights

Paris 1900: The City of Lights

Thanks to incredible archives restored and fully colorized, this film presents a previously unseen journey through time and space. They captured magical moments of lightness and euphoria, the marvels of scientific and aesthetic invention: the crowning glory of democracy. They show us the first globalized society, linked by rail, transatlantic trav..

Nataly Fish

A City Under Quiet Lights

A City Under Quiet Lights

A film by Myles O'Reilly documenting some of the beautiful music brought to Cork for the Quiet Lights Folk Festival.

Nataly Fish

Lugau City Lights - Ein DDR-Dorf schreibt Popgeschichte
U2: City of blinding lights - Live in Buenos Aires
The City Turns the Lights On

The City Turns the Lights On

Former front-line intelligence officer, captain Nikolai Mityasov, after being wounded, returns to the destroyed city and learns the sad news: his wife Shura cheated on him. Bitterness and confusion gave way to hope. But peace has come, demobilization has begun, it is necessary to restore the homeland. Nikolai finds the strength to continue living, ..

Nataly Fish

The Lights of Our City

The Lights of Our City

Nataly Fish

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