
Children of the River

Children of the River

A young boy and his three friends are trying to live a normal life, battling their own demons and taking care of their respective families while their fathers are away. Until one day, the phone call that they look forward to everyday, finally never came.

Nataly Fish

Children of the River

Children of the River

In the riverside neighbourhood of Oporto, all the children prove their courage by jumping from the stunning bridge Luis I into the Duero river. Leo has never done it before. He is different but he is getting tired of everyone thinking he is a coward.

Nataly Fish

Our Children's River

Our Children's River

Across the Amazon, Indigenous guards are unarmed patrols that peacefully defend ancestral territories against threats like oil, mining and poaching. They use diverse technologies to monitor their lands, and when necessary, force out illegal operations and actors. Most of this daily work, which involves lengthy hikes and patient observation, goes un..

Nataly Fish

Yellow River ballad—Wild Children Band 20th Anniversary Concert

Yellow River ballad—Wild Children Band 20th Anniversary Concert

On October 24th, a concert named "Yellow River Ballad—Wild Children Band 20th Anniversary Concert," organized by Shu Music, will be held at the Workers' Gymnasium in Beijing. It will feature an extravagant lineup of folk music's golden generation, including Wan Xiaoli, Xiaohe, Zhou Yunpeng, Wu Tun, Hu Defu, and the "King of Chinese Rock Stage," X..

Nataly Fish

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