
Charlie Chaplin in Wien

Charlie Chaplin in Wien

Newsreel footage of Charles Chaplin on his promotional tour of Europe.

Nataly Fish

Charlie Chaplin at Mutual Studios I

Charlie Chaplin at Mutual Studios I

Includes: "The Count" (1916), "The Vagabond" (1916), The Fireman" (1916), "Behind the Screen" (1916).

Nataly Fish

The Essential Charlie Chaplin: Vol. 1

The Essential Charlie Chaplin: Vol. 1

Trace the remarkable arc of Charlie Chaplin's silent-screen career with a comprehensive collection of his most "essential" films. This first installment of a multivolume set includes Making a Living (his first film) and Mabel's Strange Predicament. Making a Living finds Chaplin causing problems for a newspaper reporter (Henry Lehrman); Mabel's Stra..

Nataly Fish

The Essential Charlie Chaplin: Vol. 9

The Essential Charlie Chaplin: Vol. 9

Silent film legend Charlie Chaplin plays the lovable loser in this collection of five of his films from 1916-17, including The Immigrant, Behind the Screen, The Rink, Easy Street and The Cure. Although Chaplin was well-known around the world for making audiences laugh with his broad slapstick antics, many of his early films champion the underdog as..

Nataly Fish

Max Linder Visits Charlie Chaplin

Max Linder Visits Charlie Chaplin

Renowned French comedian and filmmaker Max Linder visits Charlie Chaplin in 1917.

Nataly Fish

Dreamy Dud Sees Charlie Chaplin

Dreamy Dud Sees Charlie Chaplin

Dreamy Dud and his dog, Wag, are down-hearted because they haven't the money to go into a picture theater and see a Chaplin picture. A dime rolls out of the theater which someone has dropped and Dud picks it up. In the theater they see Chaplin fighting with a donkey. When he flirts with a girl, whose back is toward him, a policeman tries to arrest ..

Nataly Fish

Charlie Chaplin Meets Harry Lauder

Charlie Chaplin Meets Harry Lauder

This is an incomplete, then unreleased, and untitled charity film featuring Charlie Chaplin and Harry Lauder. Wikipedia and IMDb lists the film's year as 1918. http://www.jimvallance.com/02-family-folder/harry-lauder-folder/lauder-pages/harry-lauder-films/pg-lauder-films.html lists the filming date as January 22, 1917. That is the date used here. ..

Nataly Fish

Charlie Chaplin 2

Charlie Chaplin 2

A marriage is in the verge of trouble as the groom sends an abusive message to the bride under the influence of alcohol. Will he able to save the wedding?

Nataly Fish

Charlie Chaplin, A Man of the World

Charlie Chaplin, A Man of the World

A journey into the "Romipen" of Charlie Chaplin's life and work, and a celebration of the vibrant Romany tradition.

Nataly Fish

Charlie Chaplin: The Long Year at Essanay

Charlie Chaplin: The Long Year at Essanay

Short documentary about Chaplin's year at Essanay. Clips from Chaplin films but also from other Essanay films.

Nataly Fish

Charlie - Vida y obra de Charles Chaplin 2003
Visite de Charlie Chaplin à la Cinémathèque française

Visite de Charlie Chaplin à la Cinémathèque française

Le 12 septembre 1973, Charlie Chaplin est présent à la Cinémathèque française pour l'inauguration d'une rétrospective en son honneur.

Nataly Fish

Miss Minerva Courtney in Her Impersonation of Charlie Chaplin

Miss Minerva Courtney in Her Impersonation of Charlie Chaplin

Miss Courtney impersonates Chaplin in a scene-by-scene copy of Chaplin's The Champion (1915), omitting the boxing scene.

Nataly Fish

Silent Traces: Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Charlie Chaplin

Silent Traces: Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Charlie Chaplin

Documentary on Hollywood in the time of Chaplin.

Nataly Fish

The Grave Case of Charlie Chaplin

The Grave Case of Charlie Chaplin

Long before FW Murnau's head went for a little walk without his body, the most celebrated cinematic corpse-napping was the theft of Charlie Chaplin's remains from his Swiss grave.

Nataly Fish

Charlot soldat

Charlot soldat

Dans un camp militaire, de nouvelles recrues s'entraînent avant de partir à la guerre en France. L'entraînement est épuisant pour Charlot. Aussitôt l'exercice fini, il s'endort. Une fois arrivé dans les tranchées, il doit s'accommoder de l'insalubrité et du mal du pays, tandis que les obus pleuvent et que les batailles font rage.

Nataly Fish

Les Temps Modernes

Les Temps Modernes

Charlot est ouvrier dans une gigantesque usine. Il resserre quotidiennement des boulons. Mais les machines, le travail à la chaîne le rendent malade, il abandonne son poste, recueille une orpheline et vit d'expédients. Le vagabond et la jeune fille vont s'allier pour affronter ensemble les difficultés de la vie…

Nataly Fish

Le Dictateur

Le Dictateur

Dans le ghetto juif vit un petit barbier qui ressemble énormément à Adenoid Hynkel, le dictateur de Tomania qui a décidé l'extermination du peuple juif. Au cours d'une rafle, le barbier est arrêté en compagnie de Schultz, un farouche adversaire d'Hynkel…

Nataly Fish

Le Cirque

Le Cirque

Charlot, pris pour un pickpocket, se réfugie dans un cirque et déboule sur la piste en plein spectacle. Son arrivée fait rire le public et le directeur l'engage aussitôt comme clown. Charlot devient amoureux de l'écuyère mais son rival le fait renvoyer.

Nataly Fish

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