
Bob et Carole et Ted et Alice

Bob et Carole et Ted et Alice

Bob et sa femme Carol entreprennent une thérapie de groupe afin de moderniser leur sexualité. Parviendront-ils à convaincre leurs amis Ted et Alice de l'opportunité de leurs nouvelles méthodes ?

Nataly Fish

Carole Matthieu

Carole Matthieu

Médecin du travail à Melidem, une entreprise de télévente aux techniques managériales brutales, Carole Matthieu est témoin de la détresse des salariés harcelés. Bouleversée par leur sort, elle tente en vain d'alerter sa hiérarchie sur les conséquences de ces pratiques, qui ont déjà poussé un employé au suicide. C'est alors que Vince..

Nataly Fish

Delphine et Carole, insoumuses

Delphine et Carole, insoumuses

À travers l'amitié entre l'actrice Delphine Seyrig et la vidéaste Carole Roussopoulos, leurs luttes et leurs images subversives, un hommage vibrant au féminisme « enchanté » des années 1970, joyeuses et foutraques.

Nataly Fish

Bye Sweet Carole

Bye Sweet Carole

Set in early 1900s, young Lana Benton, pushed by the gelid Old Hat man, Mr. Kyn, must confront bizarre creatures in a mysterious dream gland as she follows the last traces of Carole, a girl who escaped from Bunny Hall, a 19th-century girls' orphanage infested with wild rabbits.

Nataly Fish

Le Cadeau de Carole

Le Cadeau de Carole

Carole Cartman, animatrice télé reconnue à Hollywood est parvenue à la fortune et la célébrité, grâce à la détermination de sa défunte tante Marla, mégalomane et intrigante. Les fêtes de fin d'année ne la réjouissent pas et John, son ex-petit ami, se voit décerner un prix public pour ses œuvres de bienfaisance. Conformément à son..

Nataly Fish

Carole King: Home Again - Live in Central Park

Carole King: Home Again - Live in Central Park

On Saturday May 26th, 1973 before 100,000 plus fans on the Great Lawn of Central Park in New York City, a generational talent singer-songwriter at the undeniable top of her game enjoyed a humbling homecoming a mere 14 miles from the house in Brooklyn where she grew up. The historic event highlighted the earth-moving power she’d unleashed with her..

Nataly Fish

Christmas Carole

Christmas Carole

Carole Mackay is an unashamedly outspoken and wealthy entrepreneur. Her online business selling all things festive has earned her a fortune, as well as the nickname 'Christmas Carole'. But her success hasn't made her a better human being. In fact, it's made her worse. The truth is that Carole is a monumentally mean person. Positively Scrooge-like. ..

Nataly Fish

Carole & Grey

Carole & Grey

Best friends Carole and Grey go on an odyssey from Brooklyn to the Upper West Side to get Grey's Dog.

Nataly Fish

Christmas Carol

Christmas Carol

La veille de Noël, le corps sans vie d'un adolescent est retrouvé. Son frère jumeau se venge, en se rendant lui-même à la prison dans le but de traquer les suspects.

Nataly Fish

Christmoose Carol

Christmoose Carol

Chez les Wagner, tous attendent avec impatience les fêtes de Noël. C'est alors qu'un élan traverse le toit du salon de la maison. En attendant que le propriétaire de l'animal vienne le récupérer, les Wagner décident d'en prendre soin et le baptisent Mr. Moose. Le petit Bertil, 10 ans, s'attache à l'élan, qui devient son meilleur ami.

Nataly Fish

La Seconde Madame Carroll

La Seconde Madame Carroll

Un artiste bohème en difficulté fait la rencontre d'une jeune femme lors d'un séjour à la campagne. Ils démarrent une histoire mais cette dernière ignore que son amant est déjà marié.

Nataly Fish

Carole King: Natural Woman

Carole King: Natural Woman

Weaving previously unseen and rare performances and home movies with a new, exclusive interview with King, American Masters – Carole King: Natural Woman delves into her life and career. New interviews with friends and colleagues, including fellow songwriters Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, Tapestry producer Lou Adler, drummer Russ Kunkel, guitarist ..

Nataly Fish

Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard is one of the greatest female screen legends. She was and is adored by her fans, not only for her movies but also because they recognize in her a girl with an indomitable spirit and admirable character. This is her untold story: the story of a remarkable woman who touched the hearts of all who met her; the story of a woman who at eve..

Nataly Fish

Carole Roussopoulos, A Woman With Her Camera

Carole Roussopoulos, A Woman With Her Camera

A portrait of Carole Roussopoulos (1945 - 2009), who pioneered light video in France. Through extracts from her films, archival images, and interviews, the itinerary of a fighter who filmed the Women’s Liberation Movement, factory occupations, and early gay rights demands, and who, throughout her life, gave voice to the unknown—to the “voicel..

Nataly Fish

Christmas Carole

Christmas Carole

Deux garçons et une fille sans argent, au moment des fêtes de Noël 1966, contestent la société de consommation. Leurs amours, leurs histoires.

Nataly Fish



Screened in competition at Alternative Film/Video Belgrade Festival 2014.

Nataly Fish

Circuit Carole

Circuit Carole

The quiet agony of a mother whose daughter grows up to pursue her own life is chronicled in this realistically presented French drama. The Circuit Carole of the title refers to a motorbike racetrack. Jeanne and her 20-year old daughter Marie share a small apartment in a working-class Parisian neighborhood; the two live harmoniously, but the daughte..

Nataly Fish

Seetha & Carole

Seetha & Carole

This is the story of a tug of war between two women, one Canadian, the other East Indian, over the same child. A Canadian woman, who has suffered two miscarriages, decides to adopt a child in India. The child she selects was sold to an adoption agency by his impoverished father who hopes adopted parents will give the child a better life in America...

Nataly Fish

Myth Makers 4: Carole Ann Ford

Myth Makers 4: Carole Ann Ford

Carole Ann Ford portrayed a unique character in Doctor Who. As Susan, The Doctor’s granddaughter, she left Gallifrey with the errant Time Lord before the very first episode, An Unearthly Child. This Myth Makers combines two interviews by Nicholas Briggs, the first at Carole’s home in 1985 and the second at a London TV studio in 1996. Together..

Nataly Fish

Carole King: In Concert

Carole King: In Concert

Carole King: In Concert captures the vivid energy of this talented musician's live shows - bringing her words and music to life in a selection of hits from and exceptional career. The fruits of this unparalleled career have been the most extraordinary catalogue of songs that any one writer has ever assembled and a sublime and energetic skill as a ..

Nataly Fish

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