


Un soldat algérien emprisonné qui, ayant été abandonné lorsque les troupes françaises de Maximilien ont été forcées de se retirer, doit être exécuter. Pendant qu’il est en prison, il rêve de la vie à l’extérieur...

Nataly Fish



A documentary on the Day of the Dead tradition, focusing on its acceptance in the San Francisco Bay Area

Nataly Fish

The Skulls of Terror Return

The Skulls of Terror Return

A group of friends form a masked gang nicknamed 'The Skulls of Terror' and confront a local political boss. Originally produced as a six-hour collection of serial chapters (1943), then edited down (1944) into a 3-hour feature... then re-released (1950s?) as two 90-minute features. The first one seems to have disappeared, this is the second one.

Nataly Fish

The Rider of the Skulls

The Rider of the Skulls

Episodic film in which a masked hero combats a trio of classic monsters.

Nataly Fish

Entre Calaveras

Entre Calaveras

Nataly Fish

The Skulls of Terror

The Skulls of Terror

Feature-length version of a serial, originally in twelve chapters. Three-hour runtime, later re-edited into two 90 minute features called Las Calaveras Del Terror and Vuelven Las Calaveras Del Terror. Good guys vs bad guys for possession of a map showing the location of a lost mine.

Nataly Fish

Entre Calaveras 2

Entre Calaveras 2

Nataly Fish

Los tres calaveras

Los tres calaveras

A Mexican music trío go through friendships and hardships in order to be famous and travel to Spain.

Nataly Fish

Calaveras Creek

Calaveras Creek

The story of Calaveras Creek was inspired by characters introduced in Roaring Camp, a short film that has been screened successfully in many film festivals around the country. At the heart of the "saga" are two aging gunfighters, Ben Hale and Malcom McCoy, who, despite a conscious decision to passively pan for gold, must confront their lawless past

Nataly Fish

The Skulls

The Skulls

This Spanish language film was produced simultaneously with the filming of the two English language Laurel and Hardy shorts Be Big! and Laughing Gravy. The two shorts were edited together into one continuous film. Laurel and Hardy read their lines from cue cards on which Spanish was written phonetically. At the time of early talkies, dubbing was no..

Nataly Fish

La Légende des crânes de cristal

La Légende des crânes de cristal

En l'an 2020, un trou noir se dirige droit sur le Soleil et plonge petit à petit la Terre dans les ténèbres. L'humanité semble condamnée, mais une solution existe : douze anciens crânes de cristal qui se trouvent dans un temple Maya ont le pouvoir d'arrêter la catastrophe. Une équipe part à leur recherche...

Nataly Fish

Eisenstein and Calavera

Eisenstein and Calavera

The film is based on Sergey Eisenstein’s film “¡que viva méxico!”, short story “maguey”. eisenstein is watching the film footage. unexpectedly, his film character turns into a revived calavera and steals his film. eisenstein pursuits her and finds himself in an episode of his film. calavera is nearby, she tries to destroy his movie. wha..

Nataly Fish

Allan Quatermain et le temple des crânes

Allan Quatermain et le temple des crânes

L’aventurier Allan Quatermain a été choisi pour mener une expédition anglo-américaine à la recherche d’un fabuleux trésor, perdu au coeur de l’Afrique du Sud. Selon la légende, l’objet de leur convoitise est caché dans le "Temple aux crânes", ainsi nommé car ses murs seraient décorés des crânes de tous ceux qui ont un jour tent..

Nataly Fish

Laurel et Hardy - Drôles de locataires

Laurel et Hardy - Drôles de locataires

Pour échapper à la police, Stan et Ollie occupent le pavillon de chasse d'un colonel parti en voyage. Ils se cachent dans la cave pour ne pas se faire attraper par les domestiques. Au départ de ces derniers, le binôme décide de sortir pour découvrir la maison. Alors que des visiteurs arrivent pour voir la maison à louer, le duo donne le chan..

Nataly Fish

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