
Cairo Calling

Cairo Calling

Ahmed is in for the shock of his life when his mother calls from Cairo to announce her imminent visit to Montreal . He has to clean up his act to get ready for her arrival. He convinces his entourage to play along for the duration of her stay, telling them that the visit is a short one. But Mother has other plans... She is a woman on a mission and ..

Nataly Fish

Super 7 Appelle le Sphinx

Super 7 Appelle le Sphinx

L'agent secret britannique "Super 7" est chargé de récuperer en Egypte, un échantillon radio-actif (non dangereux), le "baltonium", découvert par un laboratoire secret de Liverpool et dérobé par des espions. De son vrai nom, Martin Stevens, notre émule transalpin de "James Bond" va tenter de résoudre l'affaire tout en accumulant conquête s..

Nataly Fish

Cairo-2 Calls Alpha

Cairo-2 Calls Alpha

Middle East in the Seventies... Soviet and Dutch officers are stuck together in the UN Observation Station.

Nataly Fish

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