
Born to Be Blue

Born to Be Blue

L'histoire vraie, et tragique, du trompettiste de jazz Chet Baker, depuis son comeback dans les années 70 jusqu'à sa disparition brutale...

Nataly Fish

Nés pour être libres

Nés pour être libres

Born to be wild est un récit édifiant sur l’amour, le dévouement et le lien particulier qui unit les humains aux animaux. Ce film raconte l’histoire d'orangs-outans et d’éléphanteaux orphelins, et de ceux qui les ont sauvés et élevés – des personnes extraordinaires consacrant leur vie à la protection des espèces menacées.

Nataly Fish

Bucky Larson : super star du X

Bucky Larson : super star du X

Un jeune homme découvre du jour au lendemain que ses parents sont d'anciennes stars du porno. Il décide alors de tenter sa chance à Hollywood et de devenir une très grande star du X...

Nataly Fish

Born to Be

Born to Be

Soon after New York state passed a 2015 law that health insurance should cover transgender-related care and services, director Tania Cypriano and producer Michelle Hayashi began bringing their cameras behind the scenes at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, where this remarkable documentary captures the emotional and physical journey of surgical tra..

Nataly Fish

La Femme aux Maléfices

La Femme aux Maléfices

Dans le milieu artistique de San Francisco, une femme avide de pouvoir epouse un millionnaire. Charmeuse et perfide, la belle essuiera un revers cinglant.

Nataly Fish

Drôle de singe

Drôle de singe

Rick Heller est un délinquant juvénile qui ne cesse de se mettre dans la difficulté. Pour lui éviter des ennuis de sa mère le met à travailler le nettoyage de la cage d'un gorille nommé Katie qu'elle enseigne à communiquer à travers l'utilisation de la langue des signes. Lorsque le propriétaire du gorille prend son dos pour devenir un ph�..

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Wild - Eine Band namens Steppenwolf

Born to Be Wild - Eine Band namens Steppenwolf

Steppenwolf is one of the most legendary and at the same time most enigmatic bands in the history of rock music. On the border between mainstream and psychedelic underground, their song "Born to Be Wild" became the anthem of an entire generation. The new, hard sound of Steppenwolf was a stab in the heart of the "Summer of Love" and put an end to th..

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Bad

Born to Be Bad

Une mère célibataire abandonne son fils de 7 ans. Alors qu'il commence à avoir de mauvaises fréquentations, elle change d'avis.

Nataly Fish

Lauda - The Untold Story

Lauda - The Untold Story

In 1976 Niki Lauda survived one of the most famous crashes in Formula One history. Using previously unseen footage, LAUDA: THE UNTOLD STORY explains what happened on that fateful, and near fatal day at the Nurburgring, then follows Lauda’s courageous journey to recovery culminating in a miraculous comeback in Monza just weeks later. The film also..

Nataly Fish

Evil baby - The devil within her

Evil baby - The devil within her

La jeune Lucy Carlesi met au monde, non sans difficultés, un bébé qui montre rapidement des signes d'agressivité. Elle se souvient alors qu'il y a un certain temps, elle avait repoussé les avances d'un étrange nain obsédé sexuel, qui l'avait maudite. 

Nataly Fish

Born to Be King

Born to Be King

Triad member Chicken is designated by Taiwan's San Luen Gang to marry Nanako, the daughter of the fifth generation leader of the Yamada Gang in Japan. Later, the leader of the triad group gets murdered. Actually, all the San Luen Gang members suspect Chicken attacked their leader Liu, in order to make a chance for him to rule the Gang and thus have..

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Free

Born to Be Free

Mettant en lumière les mauvais traitements infligés aux mammifères marins, ce documentaire suit les mésaventures de 18 bélugas retenus en captivité pendant des années.

Nataly Fish

Born to be Great

Born to be Great

"Alexander The Great's early life while still at school under the tutelage of the great philosopher Aristotle but old enough to engage in battle demonstrating leadership standing out above the rest".

Nataly Fish

Born to be The King

Born to be The King

As Prince Charles, the longest serving heir apparent, ascends the throne as King, those who know him well, who have worked for and with him, discuss what he has achieved as Prince of Wales and what he will bring to the role as the new Monarch.

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Sold

Born to Be Sold

A social worker tries to break up a ring of crooks who buy newborn babies from teenaged mothers and sell them to couples who can't obtain them through legal adoption channels.

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Wild

Born to Be Wild

This documentary about Easy Rider was created by Nicholas Freand Jones and first aired on BBC2 in December 1995.

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Mild

Born to Be Mild

The modern world is constantly speeding up. But not for the Dull Men's Club - a group of men quite content with life's more sedate pleasures.

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Wild

Born to Be Wild

Truck drivers Steve Hackett and Bill Purvis are fired from their jobs with the West Coast Trucking company for not using second-gear going down steep grades. Davis, the company vice-president, surprisingly asks them to carry a load of merchandise to Arrowhead and offers a $1000 bonus. He tells them it is a load of lettuce. Several miles out of Los ..

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Loved

Born to Be Loved

Director Hugo Haas reprises the theme of romantic love in this routine yet innocent story of matchmaking. The setting is an overcrowded tenement building in which the residents seem to live beyond the reach of muggers or drug dealers or trigger-happy gangs because they mingle and mix in the halls as they energetically interact with each other.

Nataly Fish

Born to Be Blue

Born to Be Blue

A collage about the end of utopias made with found footage from the 70's and scratched 16mm film stock intervened with solvents.

Nataly Fish

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