
Book of Love

Book of Love

Henry est un écrivain anglais coincé dont le roman est un échec total. Etrangement, le livre est un succès au Mexique. Lorsqu'il est invité dans ce pays pour en faire la promotion, il découvre rapidement pourquoi : la traductrice espagnole, Maria, a réécrit son livre chaste et ennuyeux en un roman érotique. Les deux opposés vont devoi..

Nataly Fish

American Pie présente : Les Sex commandements

American Pie présente : Les Sex commandements

Dix ans après le premier film de la saga American Pie, trois nouveaux étudiants (puceaux) trouvent un livre intitulé la Bible du sexe dans la bibliothèque de leur lycée d'East Great Falls High. Malheureusement pour eux, le livre est abimé et certains conseils sont incomplets... Ils décident donc de chercher les créateurs de cet ouvrage rapp..

Nataly Fish

Book of Love

Book of Love

Un jeune étudiant séduit la femme de l'un de ses professeurs...

Nataly Fish

Le Livre de l'amour

Le Livre de l'amour

Henry est un architecte introverti. Après le décès de sa femme dans un accident de voiture, il part pour aider Millie, une adolescente sans abri, à construire un radeau pour naviguer à travers l'Atlantique.

Nataly Fish

Elles craquent toutes sauf une

Elles craquent toutes sauf une

Jack apprend en meme temps que son divorce est prononce et que l'un de ses ex-flirts est en ville. En cherchant de qui il peut bien s'agir, il plonge dans ses souvenirs, a l'epoque des annees cinquante. Il se souvient du lycee, des sorties, du sport, et surtout des filles, avec lesquelles il eprouvait bien du mal a se retrouver en tete a tete...

Nataly Fish

Book of Love

Book of Love

An anniversary gift: a scrapbok that tells the story of how a gay couple found love and how much they love each other.

Nataly Fish

Book of Love: The Definitive Reason Why Men Are Dogs

Book of Love: The Definitive Reason Why Men Are Dogs

Book of Love delivers humor along with the mysteries of unrequited love and relationships gone bad. The film's story line focuses on three men living, dating and loving in Los Angeles in the 90's. They struggle with heartbreak and insecurity as a result of failed relationships. The three characters’ stories unfold through sessions with their ther..

Nataly Fish

Cameron's Book of Love

Cameron's Book of Love

John and Barry try to win back their respective girlfriends by reenacting scenes from films by the master of romance, Cameron Crowe.

Nataly Fish

An Awesome Book of Love

An Awesome Book of Love

Yael Staav's poignant and emotional interpretation of Dallas Clayton's celebrated storybook, An Awesome Book of Love, shows us that love is truly humanity's greatest gift.

Nataly Fish

The Book of Love

The Book of Love

Writes Cokes: "In 1984 I conceived of the idea of producing a documentary that framed its own devices. I was interested in how a woman, specifically a Black woman, would speak in a television context." In The Book of Love, Cokes' mother recounts her life through interview, stories, and song, effectively re-presenting history through the personal. T..

Nataly Fish

The Book of Love

The Book of Love

A found footage investigation into the psychosexual landscape of love.

Nataly Fish

The Picture Book Of Sexual Love

The Picture Book Of Sexual Love

Jeannie consults the Picture Book of Sexual Love before pleasing her partners.

Nataly Fish

Little Book of Love 2

Little Book of Love 2

Fifteen years after their split, a man and woman reconnect during a chance encounter and reconsider their new loves and lives.

Nataly Fish

Book of Love

Book of Love

Nataly Fish

Little Book of Love

Little Book of Love

Luiza is an architect who just got out of a ruinous relationship. Gabriel is a biologist and he has finished a long marriage with divorce. When they both meet, chances that they can do well together are not that big. But they will try to, even if their friends Barata (a convict bachelor totally skeptical when it comes to love) and Marta (a mathemat..

Nataly Fish

The Book of Good Love

The Book of Good Love

Nataly Fish

Unfinished Book, Unfinished Love

Unfinished Book, Unfinished Love

Yoshioka is a struggling sensual novel author. His wife, Michiru, believes in his talent and supports him. Unable to cope with his lack of success, Yoshioka becomes dependent on alcohol and women, causing much grief to Michiru, but she never leaves his side.Yoshioka vows to change and immerses himself in writing, finally publishing a novel and rece..

Nataly Fish

Finding Mr. Right 2

Finding Mr. Right 2

Continuing the story of Beijing Meets Seattle I from 2013, the new movie has the couple fall in love again.

Nataly Fish

Authors Anonymous

Authors Anonymous

Quand un groupe d’écrivains non publiés acceptent Hannah dans leur club, la dernière chose qu'ils attendent, c'est son succès à venir.

Nataly Fish



Composé de 4 parties sur la recherche de l'écrivain de l'étrange bien connu, H.P.Lovecraft, parti à la recherche du Necronomicon, le livre des morts, et dont il recopie quelques extraits : 1. The Library 2. The Drowned 3. The Cold 4. Whispers

Nataly Fish

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