


La vie du compositeur français, Maurice Ravel, et particulièrement de la création du Boléro en 1928, œuvre qui lui apporta la consécration internationale.

Nataly Fish



Film érotique. Une jeune femme espère mettre fin à l'impuissance de son mari en devenant elle-même torera.

Nataly Fish



Based on real event, Bolero is an excellent story of progressive recovery of a crime. The story surprises all the time, shows new connections, new possibilities, exposes new ideas and facts. It's possible to understand the film on more levels. It describes the position and all the feelings of victim's family, the police work as well as the impact o..

Nataly Fish



In a dystopian future where telepaths are deployed at the service of a militant regime, a mute girl takes revenge on her father's killer while simultaneously helping the resistance.

Nataly Fish



Une jeune femme fait le tour du monde afin de trouver l'amant idéal.

Nataly Fish



Prix Canal+ Semaine de la Critique 2023 Fran est de passage dans sa ville natale pour se reposer et rendre visite à sa mère. Suivant le rythme saccadé du Boléro, ce parcours sur les chemins du souvenir et du désir va le mener, ainsi que tout le village, à une apothéose joyeusement chaotique.

Nataly Fish



Victime d'un canular monté pas sa voisine, exaspéré de l'entendre taper au plancher quand elle écoute le Boléro de Ravel, un architecte entreprend de se venger à son tour mais l'amour va venir modifier ses plans...

Nataly Fish



The complicated relationship between an ambitious, ruthless nightclub dancer and the woman he loves.

Nataly Fish



Lucy, a transgender woman, and Delia, a Dominican immigrant, work every night: one on the corner of the street and the other at the bar on the corner. Although they do not know each other, the tragedy of both will reunite their lives towards a new friendship.

Nataly Fish



Fractured account of a boy who breaks free from his miserable life after meeting a mysterious girl who lives in the wall, all set to the entirety of Ravel's 'Bolero'.

Nataly Fish



Un film de Piotr Kamler

Nataly Fish



A minimalist exercise described by Thoms as ‘observing the effect of movement on perception within the framework of Ravel’s music’.

Nataly Fish



Bolero is a feature film produced in Albania in 1997 by the New Albania film studio.

Nataly Fish



Super 8 veiled film, scratched by hand, coloured with solvent inks and synchronised to Ravel's "Bolero".

Nataly Fish



«A film of a man in drag doing an erotic and eventually nude dance in a gravel pit. Mostly edited in camera, the fey dance is in surprisingly good sync with the music, making it an amusing send-up of Ravels macho rythms». Fred Camper.

Nataly Fish

Le batteur du Boléro

Le batteur du Boléro

Court-métrage dans lequel Jacques Villeret joue le rôle d'un percussionniste dans un orchestre symphonique interprétant un long extrait du Boléro de Maurice Ravel.

Nataly Fish

Les Uns et les Autres

Les Uns et les Autres

De 1936 à nos jours, quatre familles, de nationalités différentes mais partageant une même passion pour la musique, voient leurs destins marqués par la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Nataly Fish

El bolero de Raquel

El bolero de Raquel

The film tells an episode of the life of a kindly hearted bootblack who becomes accidentally the tutor of an orphan but nevertheless spends all his time and effort for the sake of the boy.

Nataly Fish

The Last Bolero

The Last Bolero

In an attempt to revive old glories, Juan, a keen follower of the bolero has raised the idea of ​​a public concert: The Ultimate Bolero, in a majestic theater which can touch his soul and move his feet.. The Last Bolero brings us the life of a team of professional musicians in retirement seeking to organize a last concert that will create a gre..

Nataly Fish

Bolero in the Elder's House

Bolero in the Elder's House

An elderly couple comes to the aid of a young maid from their son, but the elder daughter does not like her and decides to investigate by revealing that she hides a terrible secret that pertains to her intimate life regarding the elderly family.

Nataly Fish

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