


Jacob est un enfant de 12 ans qui souffre de cauchemars et de troubles du comportement lorsque sa grand-mère meurt. Alors qu’il ne l’avait jamais vue, il devient hanté par sa présence et son passé tragique. Il est alors envoyé par sa mère et son beau-père dans un mystérieux internat perdu au milieu de la forêt. Le directeur est aussi d..

Nataly Fish

Trapped at Boarding School

Trapped at Boarding School

A boy is being bullied at a Boarding School. Things get out of hand and he will need his revenge.

Nataly Fish

Surf Trip 2

Surf Trip 2

Max et Eddie ont réussi à créer leur DREAM TEAM de snowboarders et à gagner un max de tune. Leur succès leur a fait perdre la tête et les deux compères reprennent leurs anciennes habitudes : alcool, fumette, soirées, filles... Kingsley, leur ennemi de toujours refait surface dans le but de les ruiner. Quelles sont les ruses que Max et Eddie..

Nataly Fish

Deux heures de colle pour un baiser

Deux heures de colle pour un baiser

This film tells the story about a group of girls at an exclusive German girls boarding school. Across the lake is an exclusive boys boarding school...

Nataly Fish

The Boarding School Murders

The Boarding School Murders

Frankie gets the chance to leave her foster care home to attend an exclusive Swiss boarding school. However, the opportunity of a lifetime comes at a deadly price when one of her classmates is murdered and everyone is quick to blame her.

Nataly Fish

The Boarding School Girls

The Boarding School Girls

The Young Ladies From Miss Knapp's Select School Have An Outing At Coney Island, N.Y.

Nataly Fish

The Boarding School Bomber

The Boarding School Bomber

Compelling drama-documentary which tells the story of how, three years after the 7/7 attacks on London, a busy shopping centre in Bristol was the intended target of a devastating terrorist attack.

Nataly Fish

Suédoises au pensionnat

Suédoises au pensionnat

Miss Klein runs a boarding-school. The girls that go there are really "free spirited." They chloroform a peeping Tom, lock two plumbers in the dormitories, strip for a gamekeeper and tease their gym teacher. In class, their biology teacher gets carried away while giving a demonstration of sex positions with the gym teacher. In the meantime, one of ..

Nataly Fish

Unspoken: America's Native American Boarding School

Unspoken: America's Native American Boarding School

A documentary on the history of Native American Boarding Schools.

Nataly Fish

A Boarding School

A Boarding School

"Pesantren" offers rare access inside an Islamic boarding school, and an insight into a traditional educational system that fosters good character-building based on a peaceful religious teaching that has been practiced in Indonesia for centuries. Raising their students to respect and to have compassion towards others despite their differences, thes..

Nataly Fish

Unseen Tears: The Native American Boarding School Experience in Western New York

Unseen Tears: The Native American Boarding School Experience in Western New York

Unseen Tears documents the effects of Native American boarding (residential) schools in western New York and Ontario. The documentary focuses on communites effected by the Thomas Indian School and the Mohawk Institute.

Nataly Fish

"Petersilia" Boarding School

Nataly Fish

It Happened at the Boarding School

It Happened at the Boarding School

Describes the internal life of a girls' school from families of strong economic position that traditionally, laziness or comfort transferred to various educational institutions responsible for the moral, intellectual, social and spiritual girls used to a life without problems, the most with terrible examples of marital relationship and behavior of ..

Nataly Fish

Les Bidasses au pensionnat

Les Bidasses au pensionnat

À coté de la caserne du capitaine Jolly se trouve un pensionnat de jeunes filles. Chaque bidasse a trouvé sa compagne et il ne leur reste plus qu'a creuser un tunnel pour leur rendez-vous, Jolly donne lui-même l'exemple en rejoignant tous les soirs la directrice. Mais cette histoire va causer énormément de problèmes...

Nataly Fish

La résidence

La résidence

Un pensionnat du Sud de la France accueille une nouvelle pensionnaire, la jeune Thérèse est timide, sentant déjà une étrange présence dans l’établissement. Un établissement chargé de secrets, dirigé d’une main de fer par Mme Fourneau, apparemment veuve, vouant toute son affection à son jeune fils Luis. Mais des jeunes filles disparai..

Nataly Fish

Au réfectoire

Au réfectoire

Some boys are seated at a table outdoors for a meal when a fight breaks out.

Nataly Fish

Our Spirits Don't Speak English

Our Spirits Don't Speak English

Told from the Native American perspective, this documentary will uncover the dark history of the U.S. government and will give a voice to the countless Indian children forced through the system.

Nataly Fish

La Prof et les cancres

La Prof et les cancres

Tous les eleves de l'institution religieuse sont amoureux de leur jolie professeur d'anglais, qui n'est autre que la niece du directeur. Un des etudiants ne tarde pas a etre jaloux de son pere qui prend des cours particuliers avec la seduisante jeune femme.

Nataly Fish

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