


Pendant la guerre civile espagnole, les aventures de Marco, un pauvre paysan promu lieutenant dans l'armée républicaine, et de Norma qui espionne pour l'ennemi avant de prendre conscience de la dignité de la lutte de Marco...

Nataly Fish



"Blockade" takes place in the mountains and valleys of northern British Columbia, at the heart of the boldest aboriginal land claims case to challenge the white history of Canada. The Gitksan and Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs claim that everything within 22,000 square miles, including the trees, is rightfully theirs.

Nataly Fish



Blockade was one of those curious 1929 hybrids known as a "part-talkie." The story of a dauntless female prohibition agent. In her pursuit of a gang of Florida rum-runners, Bess assumes three identities. At various junctures, she is "herself," a society belle and a gangster's moll.

Nataly Fish



During the Second World War, Leningrad was besieged by German troops. A merciless struggle for survival erupted. People were starving and afraid, yet they did not give up but kept on fighting, refusing to surrender.

Nataly Fish

mistake, blockade, fancy, panky

mistake, blockade, fancy, panky

There’s a spider secretly settles in my room. Sometimes it appears with its cutesy bearing and somehow, I can feel its building nests in my brain, obscuring things that I can’t or am unwilling to remember, where all the insane and violent thoughts are lurking. This 8-feet little thing only shows its face in unexpected moments silently but is st..

Nataly Fish

The Big Blockade

The Big Blockade

Wartime propaganda piece reporting on the success of the economic blockade of Germany in the early years of the war.

Nataly Fish



The fresh president of Hungary find himself in trouble with taxi drivers. The taxi drives are disappointed in the democracy and protesting against the drasticly raising gas prices. The drivers build blockades all over the capital.

Nataly Fish

Fairy Creek Blockade - As I See It

Fairy Creek Blockade - As I See It

Mainland reporter hears about protest on Vancouver Island and decides to visit and see it for himself. He spends time to meet people there from both sides, revealing what it is really all about.

Nataly Fish

Blockade: Algonquins Defend the Forest

Blockade: Algonquins Defend the Forest

Blockade follows the Barriere Lake Algonquins as they take on the government and the logging industry in a struggle to save their traditional hunting grounds and way of life. In September, 1989, this small First Nations community blockaded six new logging roads, calling for a moratorium on logging and insisting that the government address their con..

Nataly Fish

The Blockade Runners

The Blockade Runners

Nataly Fish

Scenes from the Blackjewel Miners Blockade

Scenes from the Blackjewel Miners Blockade

In July of 2019 the Blackjewel coal company announced it was declaring bankruptcy. Miners were told to stop working mid shift, and their last paychecks bounced. The miners retaliated by blocking a train full of coal, camping out on the coal tracks for weeks. Queer regional organizers made their way to the encampment to support the miners. The encam..

Nataly Fish

Berliner Blockade

Berliner Blockade

Nataly Fish

Blockade: The Luga Defense Line

Blockade: The Luga Defense Line

In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germ..

Nataly Fish



La ville de Leningrad et le blocus pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Pas de mots. Pas de musique. Seuls les sons et les images en noir et blanc d'une ville mourante.

Nataly Fish

Reading Book of Blockade

Reading Book of Blockade

Amateur actors read stories from a book describing the 900-day siege of Leningrad during World War II.

Nataly Fish



For thirty years, during the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, Chinari’s inhabitants have been trying to survive the war between the Azeris and the Armenians along with the difficult conditions imposed by the blockade. A close-up account of everyday life in a land without peace.

Nataly Fish

Blockade Architecture

Blockade Architecture

The documentary tells about the feat of Leningrad residents, the work of architects and mountaineers, the masking of the city and the preservation of monuments. Thanks to the unique chronicle, drawings and photographs, eyewitness accounts and analysis of historians, fragments and motives of the play " Hecatomb. Siege diary " the film rediscovers th..

Nataly Fish

The Blood of the Blockade

The Blood of the Blockade

The film tells how in the iron blockade of the blockade worked "the blood factory", the Institute of blood transfusion that provided the Leningrad front and the city in this strategic resource: blood donation. The blood bond between the city and its defenders was a very important factor in breaking the blockade and finally crushing the enemy. Due t..

Nataly Fish

The Blockade

The Blockade

The Blockade is a unique view from within on the most massive, longest, and politically most significant student protest in the country, since 1971, that started in April of 2009 at the Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. The struggle against the commercialization of education and the blockade of teaching classes lasted for 34 days..

Nataly Fish

Blockade Scene

Blockade Scene

Music, dance and art are not just components of human existence. It's something that can keep you alive when there's nothing else left. We know examples when only the strength of the spirit, backed by hope, helped people to survive in the most difficult conditions and resist cold, hunger and death itself.

Nataly Fish

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