
Le Projet Blair Witch

Le Projet Blair Witch

En octobre 1994, trois jeunes cinéastes, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard et Michael Williams, disparaissent en randonnée dans la foret de Black Hill au cours d'un reportage sur la sorcellerie. Un an plus tard, on a retrouve le film de leur enquête. Le Projet Blair Witch suit l'itineraire éprouvant des trois cinéastes a travers la forêt de Bla..

Nataly Fish

Blair Witch

Blair Witch

James et un groupe d'amis décident de s'aventurer dans la forêt de Black Hills dans le Maryland, afin d'élucider les mystères autour de la disparition en 1994 de sa sœur, que beaucoup croient liée à la légende de Blair Witch. Au départ, les jeunes étudiants s'estiment chanceux en tombant sur deux personnes de la région qui leur proposent..

Nataly Fish

Blair Witch 2 : Le Livre des ombres

Blair Witch 2 : Le Livre des ombres

Quelques temps après la disparition de trois étudiants en cinéma, un groupe de jeunes "touristes" revient sur les lieux de l'affaire afin de se frotter avec la légende de la sorcière de Blair...

Nataly Fish

Curse of the Blair Witch

Curse of the Blair Witch

A mockumentary exploring the life of the Blair Witch and the three missing student filmmakers.

Nataly Fish

Shadow of the Blair Witch

Shadow of the Blair Witch

In this true-crime documentary, we delve into the murder spree that was the inspiration for Joe Berlinger's "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2".

Nataly Fish

Untitled Blair Witch Film

Untitled Blair Witch Film

The fourth installment in the "Blair Witch" franchise.

Nataly Fish

Sticks and Stones: Investigating the Blair Witch

Sticks and Stones: Investigating the Blair Witch

Delving deeper into the mystery of the legendary Blair Witch and the disappearance of the three student filmmakers in The Blair Witch Project, Sticks and Stones closely examines the evidence of the case. Josh's car, the backpack with the film canisters found under a house in the woods on an archeological dig, and the actual student film footage are..

Nataly Fish

The Blair Witch Legacy

The Blair Witch Legacy

In 1999 a single movie changed the course of the horror genre forever. The Blair Witch Project was a brilliant hoax -or was it? A documentary film team heads to Burkittsville, Maryland to find out the truth behind the Blair Witch Project.

Nataly Fish

The Blair Witch Phenomenon

The Blair Witch Phenomenon

Documentary about the impact of the film The Blair Witch Project, hosted and presented by film critic Mark Kermode.

Nataly Fish

The Real Blair Witch

The Real Blair Witch

A group of teenagers from Flint, Michigan filmed themselves kidnapping and terrorizing a new acquaintance, before taking her out to a woods and dumping her in a shallow grave. They then taunted their terrified and blindfolded victim asking if she had any last requests before they cut her throat. But was the kidnap real or just a game? Three days la..

Nataly Fish

The Blair Witch Rejects

The Blair Witch Rejects

Chronicles the misadventures of an inept Beverly Hills producer who believes she can ride the coattails of the original movie's success by filming a follow-up. Bankrolled by her father, she hires a documentary director, his production crew and four actors in an attempt to track down evidence related to the "West Woods Witch." Events start to unrave..

Nataly Fish

The Tony Blair Witch Project

The Tony Blair Witch Project

Told in Documentary form, the film depicts a group of five British film critics and politicians who venture off into the West Virginian wilderness in search of the "Tony Blair Witch" which may or may not be related to British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Nataly Fish

The Blair Witch Mountain Project

The Blair Witch Mountain Project

An intrepid journalist tries to track down Tia and Tony, the beloved alien stars of Disney's 1975 film "Escape to Witch Mountain" and its 1978 sequel "Return from Witch Mountain".

Nataly Fish

Neverending Night: The Making of Blair Witch

Neverending Night: The Making of Blair Witch

A feature-length documentary on the making of Adam Wingard's Blair Witch (2016).

Nataly Fish

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part Three

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part Three

A compilation of various accidents, mayhem, death, gore, and human feats caught on tape.

Nataly Fish

The Woods Movie: The Making of The Blair Witch Project

The Woods Movie: The Making of The Blair Witch Project

A look back at the making of the seminal found footage horror film.

Nataly Fish

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part One

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part One

A compilation of various accidents, disasters, executions, and other acts of mayhem and human feats caught on film.

Nataly Fish

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part Two

Extreme Life & Death: The Blair Witches of Shockumentaries, Part Two

A compilation of accidents, disasters, death, mayhem, and human feats caught on tape.

Nataly Fish

The South Gate Blair Witch Project

The South Gate Blair Witch Project

Found video footage tells the tale of two homies who’ve wandered the streets of South Gate to collect documentary footage about the Blair Witch. The project takes a frightening turn when the homies lose their way in the hood and begin hearing horrific noises

Nataly Fish

The Bear Wit Project - Blair Witch Parody by the Muppets

The Bear Wit Project - Blair Witch Parody by the Muppets

A very funny parody of on of the most overrated movies of the 90s, courtesy of our favourite handheld comedians from the small screen: The Muppets. Look, stare, understand... and scream! (with laughter)

Nataly Fish

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