


Après s'être réveillé dans un hôpital mexicain sans aucun souvenir, un homme devient la cible d'un cartel et entame une course contre la montre pour découvrir la vérité.

Nataly Fish



Small town artist Charley is a tortured man whose drinking binges blur with his sneaking suspicion that he might be a werewolf. He distances himself from those he loves and sinks deeper into solitude, as his flashes of memory of his grisly nighttime acts manifest themselves through his artwork.

Nataly Fish



Trois inconnus se retrouvent coincés ensemble dans un ascenseur en panne pendant plus de 24 heures...

Nataly Fish

New York blackout

New York blackout

Un ouragan fait rage sur New York et plonge la ville dans l'obscurité. Toutes les installations électriques étant hors service, des prisonniers en profitent pour s'évader, investissant un building. Alors qu'ils sèment la terreur dans l'immeuble, un policier va tenter de les maîtriser.

Nataly Fish



After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state’s highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it’s clear what Keller wants—total chaos. When California goes dark, ..

Nataly Fish



A terrifyingly realistic counter-factual drama-documentary exploring the effects of a devastating cyber-attack on Britain's national electricity grid. Based on meticulous research and real government contingency plans, Blackout combines real and fake user-generated footage, CCTV archive and news reports to build a terrifyingly realistic account of ..

Nataly Fish



BLACKOUT takes you inside the personal journey of what went down and what it was really like in Brooklyn, NY on August 14. It examines the nature of man to take advantage of his own fellow man outside of normal conditions, in times of weakness and vulnerability

Nataly Fish



A police officer suspects that a local husband and father who has recently undergone facial surgery because of injuries received in a car accident is in reality the same man who committed a quadruple murder several years before.

Nataly Fish



John Gray, un banquier, perd la mémoire après avoir été renversé par une voiture. Quand il quitte l'hôpital, il a des flashbacks qui ne collent pas avec sa vie actuelle. Un appel mystérieux et l'assassinat de sa femme le déterminent à aller à Los Angeles pour résoudre ce crime et retrouver son véritable passé.

Nataly Fish



A blind man is witness to a murder; later cured of his blindness he attempts to puzzle out the solution to the crime.

Nataly Fish



Werner is a private investigator. One day, the rich and attractive Stella Hvidsteen visits him in his weary office. She says that her sister Evy has disappeared, asks him to find her, and adds that her sister has red hair.

Nataly Fish



Recovering from a nail gun shot to the head and 13 months of coma, doctor Pekka Valinta starts to unravel the mystery of his past, still suffering from total amnesia.

Nataly Fish



Gil Blanco souffre de trous de mémoires dus à son alcoolisme. Sa femme l'a quitté et c'est lui désormais qui a la garde de leur fils, Nino. Mais un jour, au petit matin, il se réveille dans sa voiture incapable de se souvenir ce qu'il a fait pendant la nuit. Sa voiture est cabossée et porte des traces de sang... Dès lors, il va essayer de co..

Nataly Fish



Le 22 décembre 2008, à 21h34, une panne de courant plonge 250 millions d'Européens dans le noir. Le quart nord-est de la France est touché. Les trains sont immobilisés en rase campagne, le trafic aérien est détourné, les stations d'épuration cessent de fonctionner. Très vite, l'eau potable devient une denrée rare et les magasins sont pri..

Nataly Fish



A young attorney's life is turned upside when he wakes to find a dead woman in his apartment.

Nataly Fish



In an office building, the power goes down, trapping numerous workers inside. What to do to pass the time?

Nataly Fish



A mother and her two children are stuck in a mall during a power outage while police hunt for a killer.

Nataly Fish



While on a routine mission, an astronaut soon finds herself battling for command, facing forces known -- and unknown -- intent on destroying her.

Nataly Fish



First responders, journalists, shop owners, those inside the pressure-packed control center of Con Edison on West End Avenue, and other New Yorkers tell about what happened when the lights went out on July 13, 1977.

Nataly Fish



A young girl returns to her hometown in search of her father, gradually her childhood memories returns; a childhood with incest and violence.

Nataly Fish

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