
Strictly Criminal

Strictly Criminal

Dans le Boston des années 70, l’agent John Connolly du FBI convainc le mafieux irlandais James «Whitey» Bulger de collaborer avec le FBI afin d’éliminer leur ennemi commun : la Mafia italienne. Ce drame nous raconte l’histoire de cette alliance contre nature qui dégénère et permet à Whitey d’échapper aux autorités, de consolider s..

Nataly Fish

Black mask

Black mask

Après avoir fait partie d'une escouade d'élite de l'armée, la 701, Tsui s'est enfui juste avant la suppression du groupe. Ces supers soldats ont été modifiés pour ne plus ressentir la douleur et devenir de vraies machines à tuer. Quelques années plus tard, des membres de la 701 réapparaissent et décident de faire main basse sur le marché..

Nataly Fish

Black Mass

Black Mass

A social outcast named James stumbles into a very accepting community, the caveat being that the community is a satanic cult.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass

Black Mass

Black Mass is a horror film where the user becomes part of the action. From the perspective of someone who's been abducted, you'll find your abductors throwing a black veil over your head as you are transported between increasingly freakish scenes.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass

Black Mass

The story of a bereaved family, a father and his two adopted daughters, as they try to come to terms with the loss of their mother, all while haunted by a demonic presence known as Darkness.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass

Black Mass

During World War II, four American GIs get caught up behind enemy lines. They seek shelter in an old church where they meet a bizarre priest. Soon they learn the Nazis have been tapping certain supernatural powers. The GIs must then combat their toughest opponent yet... evil in its purest form.

Nataly Fish

The Black Mass

The Black Mass

In 1978, a serial killer searches for victims amongst the female student population of a Florida university.

Nataly Fish

Black Mask 2

Black Mask 2

Black Mask doit contrecarrer les plans d'une organisation criminelle qui projette de faire exploser une bombe bactériologique qui pourrait provoquer des mutations génétiques chez les humains.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass of the Brain

Black Mass of the Brain

The reality, the image of a nightmare from a journey through a burning brain. A Black Mass. Two people. One looks like the other, yet different. A language does not seem to be understood in an old house, which becomes a trap of the Persona Shock. The ritual as a game of a bizarre world?

Nataly Fish

Men behind the sun 4

Men behind the sun 4

En 1937, la guerre entre le Japon et la Chine fait rage. L’armée impériale nippone marche sur la capitale Nankin. Alors que l’armée chinoise a battu en retraite et que la majorité de la population a été évacuée, les japonais s’emparent de la ville et y retiennent prisonniers de nombreux habitants restés sur place. Ces derniers vont �..

Nataly Fish

Black Sabbath: Live... Gathered In Their Masses

Black Sabbath: Live... Gathered In Their Masses

La vidéo officielle de la tournée 2013 pour l’album « 13 », qui fait suite à la reformation de la band l’année précédente.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass Rising

Black Mass Rising

A series of occult rituals and happenings with a psychedelic soundtrack, inspired by the films of Kenneth Anger and Derek Jarman

Nataly Fish

A Black Mass

A Black Mass

The Sabbat Festival Of Dark Arts is an annual festival exploring the influence of witchcraft, magick, cults and the occult on pop culture. Recorded at The Underdog, 6 Crucifix Ln, London , UK.

Nataly Fish

Gorgoroth: Black Mass Krakow 2004

Gorgoroth: Black Mass Krakow 2004

The infamous Gorgoroth gig in Krakow, Poland! Gorgoroth, Norwegian black metal band, drew the attention of the international media in early 2004 after their show in Krakow. They were accused of "offending religious feelings" during the gig, as well as suspected of breaching Polish law concerning the protection of animal rights by using severed and ..

Nataly Fish

The Massacre at Black Divide

The Massacre at Black Divide

The Massacre at Black Divide is a sci-fi western about two guilt-ridden men who are each trying to change their lives through an act of redemption.

Nataly Fish

Black Mass of the Nazi Sex Wizard

Black Mass of the Nazi Sex Wizard

Black Mass of the Nazi Sex Wizard, (AKA VG4), is the prequel to Lucifer Valentine’s Vomit Gore Trilogy. In this demonic labyrinth we experience the satanic ritual which spawns endless incarnations of Angela Aberdeen, as she is doomed to live out her haunted existence of the eternal “Lost Girl”. One dark, cold christmas night, we enter Angela..

Nataly Fish

Twelve Days of Black Mass

Twelve Days of Black Mass

Produced for Glass Eye Pix as part of their 2008 Creepy Christmas Online Film Festival, in which each short was inspired by the inhabitants of a Christmas diorama advent calendar. Each filmmaker was assigned a specific date and given the props that were used in that window to use in their short. This is the sixteenth film in the series.

Nataly Fish

Eulogy for a Black Mass

Eulogy for a Black Mass

Aria Dean explores the black creative labour put into memes, images defined not by their content but by how they are circulated, mutated and compressed. While all memes lack attribution, Dean illustrates a palpable link between white appropriation of memes created by black people and a deeper lineage of theft and leering fascination.

Nataly Fish

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Black Night in June

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Black Night in June

This documentary short film by Arthur Kent recounts the June 4, 1989 assault by the People's Liberation Army on pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

Nataly Fish

Le Massacre de la Forêt Noire

Le Massacre de la Forêt Noire

In the first half of the first century A.D., the Teutonic tribes, led by Arminius The Terrible, rebel against the cruel and conquering Roman Empire. In raging torments and blood curdling battles, the barbarian tribes and Roman Legions fight a war of attrition, so brutal and terrible that Arminius becomes a legend throughout the empire. Only Augustu..

Nataly Fish

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