
La Black Box

La Black Box

Après avoir perdu sa femme et sa mémoire dans un accident de voiture, un père célibataire subit un traitement expérimental qui l'amène à se demander qui il est vraiment.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

When astronaut Marcus is the lone survivor of an accident at a space station he finds himself in a damaged escape pod with little memory of what happened. As he gains contact with ground control Marcus must piece together what happened if he is to find a secure way of returning to Earth.

Nataly Fish

Boîte noire

Boîte noire

Que s’est-il passé à bord du vol Dubaï-Paris avant son crash dans le massif alpin ? Technicien au BEA, autorité responsable des enquêtes de sécurité dans l’aviation civile, Mathieu Vasseur est propulsé enquêteur en chef sur une catastrophe aérienne sans précédent. Erreur de pilotage ? Défaillance technique ? Acte terroriste ? L’a..

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

Due to an ambiguous event outside, the exits of a Berlin courtyard are blocked by the police and a state of emergency occurs. Among the residents of the building, insecurities start to pump fear.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A story of grief and loss as a result of a plane crash. The family must deal with the death of a loved one while living it all over again.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A car arrives at a motel. A woman, wearing a trench coat and a pair of shades, gets out of the motel and into the car. The couple soon hits the road. They are chit-chatting, and everything seems normal until a black car gets in their way.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A man is tortured by his girlfriend and then locked inside a black box.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

An astronaut encounters an unexpected emergency while on a routine mission, and finds himself jettisoned into space. Isolated, afraid, and losing oxygen, an emotional revelation may provide the will he needs to survive.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A grad student in theatre directs a group of undergrads in an adaptation of a 1980s young adult novel, altering them all in unexpected ways.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A scientist is sent forward into the future to retrieve collected information from an age of ruin that might save the human race - or destroy it.

Nataly Fish

Black Box

Black Box

A lonely wife tries to rekindle a dying marriage, then discovers a life-changing secret

Nataly Fish

Black Box Investigations

Black Box Investigations

Cracking open the human-camera body.

Nataly Fish

Black Box Affair

Black Box Affair

An airplane crashes in Spain. The Russian as well as the Chinese government take care of the events because on board there was a "black box" containing precious and dangerous devices for the whole world.

Nataly Fish

La Boîte noire

La Boîte noire

À la suite d'un accident de voiture, Arthur est plongé pendant quelques heures dans un coma. Durant sa phase d'éveil, dans un délire verbal, il exprime des phrases incohérentes qui trouvent leurs racines directement dans son inconscient. À son réveil, il est face à une curieuse énigme : que faisait-il la nuit sur cette route, proche de Che..

Nataly Fish

The Black Box

The Black Box

Homeless Hank trades his future for a black box and enters a time loop. He enjoys the indulgence without any consequences until he finds that he needs a tomorrow to meet his son for a second-chance reconciliation.

Nataly Fish

Almaz Black Box

Almaz Black Box

In 1998 a Russian Military Space Station received a powerful signal of unknown origin. Sixty-seven hours later the Station broke up in the Earth's atmosphere. The Russian Government initiated an extensive cover-up. They were unable to find the Station's Black Box and assumed it was destroyed on reentry. They were wrong. This year, the disturbing co..

Nataly Fish

Black Box Diaries

Black Box Diaries

Journalist Shiori Itō embarks on a courageous investigation of her own sexual assault in an improbable attempt to prosecute her high-profile offender. Her quest becomes a landmark case in Japan, exposing the country’s outdated judicial and societal systems.

Nataly Fish

Black Box BRD

Black Box BRD

Black Box BRD steps back into German history, showing the Federal Republic of Germany of the 70s and 80s. The country is polarized due to the power struggle of the German state and the "Red Army Faction". Society is torn, the fronts are irreconcilable. The life stories of both Wolfgang Grams and Alfred Herrhausen are tragically linked to this era. ..

Nataly Fish

The Black Box

The Black Box

Science fiction serial, presumed lost.

Nataly Fish

Black Box: Wem kannst du vertrauen?

Black Box: Wem kannst du vertrauen?

Les sorties d'une cour de Berlin sont bloquées par la police, en raison d'un événement ambigu à l'extérieur, et l'état d'urgence est activé. Les insécurités commencent à générer de la peur chez les habitants. La suspicion prend le pas sur la panique, les préjugés amènent la polarisation et une autre question apparaît : le vrai dange..

Nataly Fish

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