


Un monstre extraterrestre utilise un médium pour essayer de s'emparer de la terre.

Nataly Fish



The former head of the Institute of Science - Professor Molnar, returns to the Institute to seek treatment for his heart condition. The new director of the Institute, and his former assistant, Dr. Egberg had a falling out with Molnar after the latter considered his research unethical. However, after waking up from surgery, Molnar makes a horrifying..

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Damnation

Resident Evil : Damnation

L'agent spécial américain Léon S. Kennedy se faufile dans un pays de l'Est européen afin de vérifier les rumeurs selon lesquelles les armes biologiques (Bio B.O.W.s) sont utilisées en temps de guerre. Juste après son infiltration, le gouvernement américain lui ordonne de partir immédiatement. Déterminé à découvrir la vérité, Léon ig..

Nataly Fish

Biohazard 4: Incubate

Biohazard 4: Incubate

A special CGI film made-for DVD summarizing the story of the Resident Evil 4 game, excluding a couple of scenes for narrative consistency. Leon S. Kennedy, now a federal agent, is hired to rescue the president's daughter from a sinister cult.

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: Patient Zero

Biohazard: Patient Zero

Two young scientists are swept up in a government plot to suppress the truth about a biological disaster at a genetic research facility.

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: The Stage

Biohazard: The Stage

A bioterrorism incident occurs at a university in Western Australia. Chris and Piers from BSAA's anti-bioterrorism unit head to the scene to investigate, and they cooperate with former S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca, who is teaching at the university. On the scene, they meet a mysterious young man named Tyler Howard…

Nataly Fish

Biohazard 4D Executer

Biohazard 4D Executer

In this non-canonical entry in the Resident Evil/Biohazard franchise, five members of the U.B.C.S. are sent to Racoon City to trace Dr. Cameron and, foremost, her research. However, the horrors they encounter are beyond their imagination.

Nataly Fish



In a small suburban community of Hillsdale NJ, something very strange is happening. Gentech Industries, a research company, has moved their labs and corporate offices to a small, quiet town. Barbed wire fences surround Gentech and no civilians are permitted inside the complex.

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: The Alien Force

Biohazard: The Alien Force

Triton Indutries has created a genetically-engineered creature using DNA from human sources. During the course of the experiment, however, the host mother carrying the mutant escapes from the laboratory compound, giving birth shortly thereafter. The intellient "baby" beings hunting down and killing its male DNA donors, while at the same time trying..

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: Live in San Francisco

Biohazard: Live in San Francisco

1) Intro, 2) Urban Discipline, 3) Shades Of Grey, 4) Resist, 5) What Makes Us Tick, 6) Wrong Side Of The Tracks, 7) Breakdown, 8) Tales From The Hardside, 9) These Eyes Have Seen, 10) Salvation, 11) Punishment, 12) Hold My Own. Featured as part of a Two Disc Set (DVD & CD).

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: Dynamo Open Air

Biohazard: Dynamo Open Air

Biohazard Setlist at Dynamo Open Air 1995, recorded at the Vliegbasis Welschap, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Nataly Fish

Biohazard: Bizarre Festival

Biohazard: Bizarre Festival

Biohazard performing live at the Bizarre Festival 99

Nataly Fish



Thirteen men and women wake up in a mansion, not knowing who each other is or why they have been abducted. To escape from the mansion, infested by Zombies, they must work together but cannot set aside their suspicions that one or more of their number is involved.

Nataly Fish



MUSICAL BIOHAZARD ~ Voice of Gaia ~ is set in an unspecified year where the threat of bioterrorism has continued to increase in extremity. Much of the story is set in and around the walled Croatian city of Dubrovnik, on the Adriatic seacoast, which faces attack from "Them", zombies infected by an ancient virus. The survivors in Dubrovnik are protec..

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil

Resident Evil

Dans un immense laboratoire souterrain, ont lieu des recherches ultras secrètes, supervisées par des centaines de scientifiques. Lorsque l'alarme retentit, tout le monde croit à une simple simulation d'évacuation. Mais bientôt, l'horreur les rattrape. Un virus hautement mortel se propage à un rythme effréné dans les couloirs : en quelques m..

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Death Island

Resident Evil : Death Island

A San Francisco, Jill Valentine doit faire face à une nouvelle épidémie de zombies. Tandis que Leon Kennedy est sur la piste d'un scientifique de la DARPA kidnappé, Claire Redfield traque un monstrueux poisson tueur de baleines. Rejoints par Chris Redfield et Rebecca Chambers, ils découvrent que leurs enquêtes respectives ont un point commun...

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Degeneration

Resident Evil : Degeneration

Sept ans après Racoon City, alors que Claire Redfield est de passage dans l'aéroport d'Harvardville, ce dernier est contaminé par le Virus-T. Elle parvient à se réfugier avec quelques survivants dans une pièce isolée, Leon S. Kennedy est envoyé avec deux agents du gouvernement, Angela Miller et Greg Glenn, afin de les sauver...

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Vendetta

Resident Evil : Vendetta

Chris Redfield membre de la Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, convainc l'agent du gouvernement Leon S. Kennedy et le professeur Rebecca Chambers de l'Institut de Biotechnologie Alexander d'arrêter un marchant de mort en quête de vengeance prêt à libérer un virus mortel au coeur de New York.

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Apocalypse

Resident Evil : Apocalypse

Alice a survécu à l'effroyable cauchemar qui a dévasté le complexe scientifique ultra-secret d'Umbrella Corporation, mais elle n'est pas la seule à en être ressortie... Un virus mortel s'est abattu sur la ville de Raccoon et rien ne semble pouvoir lui échapper. Avec un groupe de survivants, Alice, dont le métabolisme a mystérieusement ét�..

Nataly Fish

Resident Evil : Extinction

Resident Evil : Extinction

Alice mène une lutte sans merci contre la toute-puissante Umbrella Corporation et le virus mortel qui transforme les humains en zombies. Alice se cache désormais dans le désert du Nevada. Elle retrouve Carlos Olivera et L.J., ainsi que de nouveaux survivants, Claire, K-Mart et Nurse Betty. Autrefois capturée par Umbrella Corporation, Alice avai..

Nataly Fish

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