
Corée du Nord : Le Prix de la liberté

Corée du Nord : Le Prix de la liberté

Filmées en caméra embarquée, les tentatives de fuite de Coréens du Nord au péril de leur vie. Un documentaire saisissant qui raconte les rêves de liberté d’une population soumise au joug mortifère de la dynastie Kim.

Nataly Fish

Beyond Utopia: Changing Attitudes in American Architecture

Beyond Utopia: Changing Attitudes in American Architecture

In 1982, at the height of the postmodernist adventure in architecture we visit 4 practices: Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, Frank Gehry, Michael Graves and Peter Eisenman – all protégés of Philip Johnson. These innovators rejected the European modernism of Mies and Corbusier in search of alternative directions. Since then their work has ..

Nataly Fish

Film Beyond Cinema: The Dumpster Kid Experiment and Other Utopias

Film Beyond Cinema: The Dumpster Kid Experiment and Other Utopias

For over half a century, the filmmaker Edgar Reitz, one of the signatories of the Oberhausen Manifesto and a pioneer of epic film narration, has explored, as a practitioner and theoretician, the rules and limits of cinema, which he always seeks to break and extend in new ways. One example of his tireless search and research are the Geschichten vom ..

Nataly Fish

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