
Behind the Monastery Walls

Behind the Monastery Walls

The monastery is the sacred home of God, but also home to the nuns and monks who have dedicated their lives to God. Romania’s monasteries are known worldwide for their magnificent beauty, but what do we know about the people that live there? How different is the life they lead? How different is the way they see the world? Behind the Monastery Wa..

Nataly Fish

Behind Monastery Walls

Behind Monastery Walls

Nataly Fish

Behind Monastery Walls

Behind Monastery Walls

Thomas Holinka has returned home from war and captivity. In the absence of a suitable home, he finds himself in what seems to be an abandoned monastery. When the nuns return, a conflict is inevitable because Holinka is addicted to alcohol and gambling .

Nataly Fish

Sinnful Infants Damned to Lust Behind Monastery Walls

Sinnful Infants Damned to Lust Behind Monastery Walls

The German punk band "Terrorgruppe" was found in 1993 and broke up in 2005. The band was essential for the developement of German punk. Songs like "Keine Airbags für die CSU" or "Mein Skateboard ist wichtiger als Deutschland" inspired a whole generation of punks and anarchists. This documentary portraits the band's history from 1993 to 2005.

Nataly Fish

Behind the Monastery Wall

Behind the Monastery Wall

The old nunnery owns the best lands. Nuns rent out the land to local rich men, and exploiting peasants they have a wealthy life. The peasants live in misery. Especially, the family of the peasant named Levin. He is forced to give away his last horse, his son Andrii is imprisoned, his daughter Nastia becomes a maid of a rich landlord. Trying to prev..

Nataly Fish

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