
Before Dawn

Before Dawn

A boy sets out to confront the interdimensional forces responsible for his brother’s demise.

Nataly Fish

Before Dawn

Before Dawn

Le voyage de Jim Collins, enfant fictif de l'arrière-pays de l'ouest de l'Angleterre, et de son bataillon sur le front occidental.

Nataly Fish

Before Dawn

Before Dawn

After the death of a gangster, those familiar with his million dollar stash start mysteriously dying. Police detectives with the help of a clairvoyant try to determine who, living or dead, is responsible.

Nataly Fish

Before Dawn

Before Dawn

An estranged couple's vacation to save their troubled relationship goes awry when they find themselves under attack from the walking dead

Nataly Fish

Une Prière avant l'aube

Une Prière avant l'aube

L’histoire vraie de Billy Moore, jeune boxeur anglais incarcéré dans une prison en Thaïlande pour détention de drogue. Dans cet enfer, il est rapidement confronté à la violence des gangs et n’a plus que deux choix : mourir ou survivre. Lorsque l’administration pénitentiaire l'autorise à participer à des tournois de Muay-Thai, Billy d..

Nataly Fish

Dead Before Dawn

Dead Before Dawn

A bunch of college kids accidentally unleash an evil curse that causes people to kill themselves and turn into Zombie Demons, aka ZEMONS!

Nataly Fish

Before Dawn

Before Dawn

A man and his family must escape a horde of blood-thirsty infected people while being held hostage by a group of criminals in a small country town.

Nataly Fish

Un singulier divorce

Un singulier divorce

Humiliée, insultée et frappée durant des années par son mari, Robert, Linda Edelman décide un jour de prendre son courage à deux mains et de demander le divorce. Mais Robert, un puissant entrepreneur de Dallas, cherche à se venger en la poursuivant en justice pour obtenir la garde de leurs enfants. Exaspéré par la tactique habile employé ..

Nataly Fish



Des campeurs affrontent un dangereux maniaque en pleine montagne.

Nataly Fish

Le Traître

Le Traître

La seconde guerre mondiale touche à sa fin. L'Allemagne Nazie meurt mais ne se rend pas. L'armée américaine qui manque cruellement d'informations sur les opérations allemandes décide d'envoyer deux prisonniers de guerre allemands de l'autre coté du Rhin dans l'espoir de glaner quelques précisions sur ce qui se prépare. Seul problème: La ge..

Nataly Fish

Before the Dawn

Before the Dawn

A young high school teacher moves to a new town for a fresh start and falls for a troubled student.

Nataly Fish

Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn

Un couple lutte pour se débarasser de leur dépendance de l'héroïne. Meredith Baxter, Stephen Lang, Chelsea Hertford, Cynthia Walsh, Robert Desiderio.

Nataly Fish

Just Before Dawn

Just Before Dawn

In the 7th film of the "Crime Doctor" series based on the radio program, Dr. Robert Ordway is summoned to take attend a diabetic, and gives an injection of insulin taken from a bottle in the patient's pocket. The man dies and Ordway discovers that what he thought was insulin was really poison. Oops! Two other people are murdered before Ordway disco..

Nataly Fish

Une heure avant l'aube

Une heure avant l'aube

Une belle réfugiée autrichienne en Angleterre - qui est également un agent nazi - épouse un savant pacifiste anglais. Il vit près d'une base militaire secrète dont elle a besoin pour obtenir des informations afin qu'elle puisse aider à l'invasion planifiée d'Hitler en Angleterre.

Nataly Fish

Girls on Film 2: Before Dawn

Girls on Film 2: Before Dawn

An electric collection of the latest, award-winning lesbian and feminist short films exploring fantasies, dreams, desires, love and transgression. Featuring chance encounters, teenage lust, girl fighters, self-conscious dolls and rampant zombies alongside journeys of self-discovery, the fight for equality and a playful take on stereotypes. GIRLS ON..

Nataly Fish

Before Dawn, Kabul Time

Before Dawn, Kabul Time

In the wake of the Americans announcing their withdrawal from Afghanistan, an Afghan prosecutor fleeing from the Taliban seeks the help of an American journalist to evacuate Kabul, before the last plane departs.

Nataly Fish

Just Before Dawn

Just Before Dawn

Two female friends are on a mission to rediscover the heady days of their youth. At a late night, isolated party in the countryside one of them discovers this might be more difficult than she imagined.

Nataly Fish

Before the Dawn

Before the Dawn

A cheating girlfriend (Woman in the Car) runs away with the money stolen by his boyfriend and unknowingly leaves a highly confidential information contained CD behind to him. When her boyfriend (Man) sees the contents of the CD, he turns to his journalist ex-girlfriend (Woman) to report on it. But they are unaware of the danger about to ensue.

Nataly Fish

Dark Before Dawn

Dark Before Dawn

The good people of Milo, Kansas combine forces to battle against the evil agribusiness Farmco that conspires to drive up the price of bread to six dollars a loaf.

Nataly Fish

Before the Dawn

Before the Dawn

Eighty years ago, Weng Nao, a Taiwanese young man wrote essays and novels, documenting his life in Koenji, Tokyo. He dies on the eve of the Pacific War, and his death remains a mystery. Eighty years later, the directors come to Koenji to look for the forgotten truth.

Nataly Fish

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