


Une jeune chanteuse à l'aube d'une carrière prometteuse est déchirée entre une famille autoritaire, une industrie influente et son amour pour sa petite amie.

Nataly Fish



Alix Miller arrives at the isolated Crompton mansion in New Hampshire to paint the portrait of the mysterious Leland Crompton. When they meet, she discovers that he is horribly disfigured from a disease called acromegaly. Nevertheless, friendship, romance, and a deeper understanding develop between the two.

Nataly Fish



Tom Fitzhenry is an ugly and reclusive aristocrat who lives on his own in a large mansion. He despairs of ever having a relationship with a woman... until Cathy comes into his life when she and her father come to repair the house's ageing plumbing.

Nataly Fish



A short story of the most important emotions of life, from birth to death, love and sexuality through pain and fear. It is a tribute to art and his disarming beauty.

Nataly Fish



In a world of fixed positions and prescribed roles, expanding the definition of gender requires the courage to dive deep into understanding and acceptance. Written and directed by Christina Willings, Beauty explores the lives of five gender-creative kids, each uniquely engaged in shaping their ideas of what it means to be fully human. Claiming your..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



A look into how beauty standards affect self-image.

Nataly Fish



In the vast fields of Altai, a territory at the other end of the world, some isolated teenagers search for meaning in their life. The possible answers seem doomed from the outset by a time without utopias. Though there is still poetry; that of words and that of images.

Nataly Fish



In a dystopian world, a mysterious young woman recycles human bodies in a machine called the 'Overseer' which helps her to understand the meaning of words.

Nataly Fish



The use of products that irritate or dry the skin, which favors the manufacturing of sebum.

Nataly Fish



That’s the beauty of it.

Nataly Fish



An aspiring fashion model tests the lengths to which she will go to achieve beauty.

Nataly Fish



Beauty is a Zero Budget Malayalam Short film made by a group of film enthusiasts. The movie focuses on the societal definition of beauty that we grew up listening to and how it shapes our perception about the same.

Nataly Fish



Detective Beauty undertakes an investigation into reality. He tries to understand a world he cannot grasp, to capture the things that escape him.

Nataly Fish

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Ce que les hommes lui font la nuit, Elle l'a oublié au réveil. Une jeune étudiante qui a besoin d’argent multiplie les petits boulots. Suite à une petite annonce, elle intègre un étrange réseau de beautés endormies. Elle s’endort. Elle se réveille. Et c’est comme si rien ne s’était passé…

Nataly Fish

American Beauty

American Beauty

Alors qu'il éprouve des difficultés à supporter une femme irascible, un travail ingrat et une ado morose, un homme tombe raide dingue d'une des amies de sa fille.

Nataly Fish



Set in 1934, a black woman with mysterious abilities interviews to be the housekeeper to an eccentric white widow, but in order to get the job she must use her abilities in a way she didn't intend.

Nataly Fish

200 Pounds Beauty

200 Pounds Beauty

Kang Hanna embrase une magnifique carrière musicale – comme "doubleuse" de voix en coulisse de la belle Amy. Hanna pèse bien trop lourd et est loin de l'idéal féminin pour pouvoir prétendre à la popularité. Cherchant à remédier à sa pauvre condition, elle recourt à une intervention chirurgicale jusqu'au-boutiste, en faisant une beauté..

Nataly Fish

Beauty Inside

Beauty Inside

Depuis ses dix-huit ans, Woo-jin se réveille chaque matin avec un visage et un corps différents ! Homme, femme, vieillard, gosse, black, blanc, chauve, cul-de-jatte, éclopé, tout y passe… Seules deux personnes dans la confidence : sa mère et son meilleur pote, devenu son associé dans la fabrication de meubles personnalisés. Mais voilà : q..

Nataly Fish

La Belle et la Bête

La Belle et la Bête

La courageuse et indépendante Belle vit l’aventure de sa vie alors qu’elle vole au secours de son père et découvre le château enchanté d’une bête mystérieuse. Un conte intemporel plein de personnages et d’airs inoubliables, et l’un des dessins animés les plus acclamés de Walt Disney Animation Studios.

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