
Beautiful People

Beautiful People

1993. Alors que le conflit atteint son apogee en Bosnie et que l'Angleterre s'apprete a disputer un match de qualification pour la Coupe du monde contre la Hollande, un Serbe et un Croate se rencontrent dans un bus londonien. Ils sont tous deux originaires du meme village. Pour renouer le contact, ils se jettent l'un sur l'autre, prets a se tuer. S..

Nataly Fish

Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Dans une belle maison au bord d'un bois vit la paisible famille d'un scientifique.Une nuit, un raid de trois psychopathes fait irruption dans la maison.Pendant une nuit de violence et de terreur, les expériences du scientifique sont découverte par les malfrats.La peur dévoilera alors la vrai nature de chacun.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Beautiful People was one of the last films David Wojnarowicz made before his death. The film follows Jesse Hultberg as he makes himself up in drag and ventures out onto the streets of New York, then beyond the city limits to a quiet lakeside.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Joe Hastard is having a stretch of bad luck. Dumped by his wife for a German lothario and stuck in a white-collar nightmare of a job, Joe dons a cowboy hat, arms himself with a Polaroid camera and strikes out against society.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful People

Beautiful People

A successful model abandons the world of fashion to marry her beloved. A little before the wedding, their relationship goes through a serious crisis, when they meet a wealthy and enigmatic man.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful People

Beautiful People

A therapist, Dr. Voxuber, runs a mysterious "health resort" on the California coast. Out of 50 applicants, he picks eight people, from all walks of life, to put them through a series of rituals and exercises in order to make them aware of their bodies in a way they never were before.

Nataly Fish



Un documentaire rigolo sur la vie sauvage d'Afrique australe. Les images ont été filmées dans le désert de Namibie et du Kalahari.

Nataly Fish

Beautiful Missing People

Beautiful Missing People

Tensions spark within the community of a small high school when a senior, Tayla Henderson, goes mysteriously missing. A social media account called "beautiful.missing.people" sparks out of nowhere, posting a strange picture of Tayla, claiming that "She's not missing. She's right here. With me."

Nataly Fish

La Bella Gente, les gens bien

La Bella Gente, les gens bien

Alfredo est architecte. Susanna est psychologue. Des gens cultivés aux idées larges. Des cinquantenaires à l’allure juvénile et au regard intelligent. Ils vivent à Rome mais passent leur week-end et une bonne partie de leur été dans leur maison de campagne. Un jour en allant au village, Susanna reste choquée par la vue d’une jeune prost..

Nataly Fish

Such Beautiful People

Such Beautiful People

This gorgeous movie—artfully composed in a muted sandy palette with exquisite attention to visual detail—takes place on the shores of the Black Sea in Crimea, where a group of neighbors seek tranquility and fulfillment fishing and striving to live lives of meaning, outside the bustle and cynicism of city life. This is a film about universal the..

Nataly Fish

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