
The Beast of the City

The Beast of the City

Police Chief Jim Fitzpatrick is after gangster Sam Belmonte. He uses his corrupt brother Ed to watch over Daisy who was associated with Belmonte.

Nataly Fish

Beast City

Beast City

The modern age. Albeit tales of strange things have existed in history, even in the current day , in modern cities, things lurk in the night. A trio of female vampires who normally only care about consumption of blood and the occasional lesbian interaction with one another, suddenly come head to head with gangs of demonic "beasts" that ravage and t..

Nataly Fish

City of Beasts

City of Beasts

University student Arima Yasuhiro becomes acquainted with Ishihama, the president of a pharmaceutical company with a dark past, slowly but surely getting more embroiled in his dirty dealings.

Nataly Fish

The City of Wild Beasts

The City of Wild Beasts

Trouble on the mean streets of Medellín, Colombia, leads a teen to the country and the grandfather he’s never known.

Nataly Fish

La Cité interdite

La Cité interdite

Dans le monde où vit Taki, jeune homme d'une vingtaine d'années, coexistent deux univers totalement opposés : celui des êtres humains et celui des démons, le côté obscur. Entre ces deux mondes a été créé un accord de paix. Or ce traité étant en désaccord avec les idées des démons antipacifistes, il est sur le point d'être réadapt�..

Nataly Fish

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