
Barking Dog

Barking Dog

Yun-ju, professeur à l'université, vit une existence sans encombre avec sa compagne, qui attend un enfant. Mais les aboiements répétés d'un chien du voisinage commencent à le rendre fou...

Nataly Fish

Barking Dogs

Barking Dogs

A guy who doesn't know what to do with his free time finds a goal.

Nataly Fish

Barking Dogs

Barking Dogs

Cubby the Bear has to save his girls home and money from the evil banker A. Wolf....

Nataly Fish

Melodies of Barking Dogs

Melodies of Barking Dogs

Comme tous les vendredis, des jeunes passent la soirée dans le bar de leur village. L’un d’eux, Toni, regarde un couple plus âgé qui danse et s’interroge sur ses désirs. Mais Marvin, qui l’observe, le prend bientôt à partie…

Nataly Fish

The Distant Barking of Dogs

The Distant Barking of Dogs

Hnutove, Donbass, eastern Ukraine, 2015. Young Oleg lives in a war zone where anti-aircraft gunshots and missile attacks often resonate dangerously near. Although many inhabitants have already left this dangerous area, he remains with his grandmother, who has cared for him since his mother's death, because they have nowhere to go. They are just wai..

Nataly Fish

Chien qui aboie met en émoi

Chien qui aboie met en émoi

Olive demande à Popeye de promener son nouveau caniche délicat Reggie, à son embarras intense. Brutus arrive avec son bulldog, Killer, qui essaie de tuer Reggie. Le petit chien ingénieux évite Killer pendant un certain temps, mais est finalement attrapé, et quand Popeye essaie d’aider, Brutus le met hors service aussi, jusqu’à ce qu’il..

Nataly Fish

Babies, Snakes and Barking Dogs: Keith Haring in Australia

Babies, Snakes and Barking Dogs: Keith Haring in Australia

Rare documentary chronicling Keith Haring's visit to Australia in 1984, including working and painting at the National Gallery of Victoria and the New South Wales Art Gallery.

Nataly Fish

Les chiens aboient

Les chiens aboient

Depuis quelque temps, Hicham est raide dingue amoureux de Juliana. Mais tout s'oppose à leur amour. Lui, de parents immigrés, végète dans une cité fermée sur elle-même. Elle, manouche, vit dans le campement qui jouxte le quartier. Malgré les tentatives de Juliana pour dissuader Hicham, le jeune homme, résolu à braver les préjugés, se re..

Nataly Fish

Black Dogs Barking

Black Dogs Barking

Restless and young, best buddies Selim and Çaça live a meager existence on the outskirts of Istanbul. By day they breed pigeons on the roof, by night they roam the streets with their entourage in their pimped-up car, "My Orange Angel". Their neighborhood's view of the city's gigantic business towers accelerates their ambitions. The two buddies wa..

Nataly Fish

Dogs Barking at Birds

Dogs Barking at Birds

School is over and there's a hustle in the air. In Porto, tourists fill up the streets and cafés. The old and decadent are now the highlights of the city’s gentrification. Vicente moves around town on his bike and watches the urban changes happening day to day. The town is no longer the same, the world is changing and so is he. Among his family ..

Nataly Fish

Entends-tu les chiens aboyer ?

Entends-tu les chiens aboyer ?

Carrying his son on his back, a man travels from place to place looking for a doctor to treat the sick boy. As they journey, the indio father tells the boy stories to keep him distracted. These stories reveal the life of native peoples in Mexico, both in the countryside and in cities, and they shed light on characteristic beliefs and rituals.

Nataly Fish

A Dog Barking at the Moon

A Dog Barking at the Moon

Coming back to her broken family, pregnant writer Huang Xiaoyu and her French husband, Benjamin, finds herself trapped between her cult brainwashed mother, Li Jiumei, and her secretly homosexual father, Huang Tao.

Nataly Fish

Oleg, une enfance en guerre

Oleg, une enfance en guerre

Une année au plus près d’Oleg, petit Ukrainien de 10 ans élevé par sa grand-mère dans un village du Donbass ravagé par la guerre. Composé d’images prises sur le vif, un émouvant portrait d’une enfance marquée par la guerre, primé dans de nombreux festivals.

Nataly Fish

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