
La Balade sauvage

La Balade sauvage

Inspirée par l'histoire authentique de Charlie Stark-Weather, jeune délinquant des années cinquante, évocation de la folle équipée de deux jeunes amants auxquels on refuse le droit de s'aimer. Ils laissent sur leur passage de nombreux cadavres dont le père de la jeune fille, qui refusait que celle-ci fréquente un éboueur.

Nataly Fish



The eighth installment in the "Predator" franchise. Premise TBA. Said to be set sometime in the future.

Nataly Fish



Unholy unfinished project.

Nataly Fish



The Cheltenham Badlands are exposed geological formations that once lay beneath an ancient lake. The barren, rolling landscape was sculpted by the water that flowed over it.

Nataly Fish

Badland Hunters

Badland Hunters

Après un tremblement de terre dévastateur qui transforme Séoul en territoire hostile, un chasseur intrépide se met en tête de sauver une ado enlevée par un médecin fou.

Nataly Fish

Trigun Badlands Rumbles

Trigun Badlands Rumbles

L'histoire débute par l'attaque d'une banque par le légendaire hors-la-loi Gasback. Celui-ci se fera cependant trahir par ses complices, c'est au moment où ceux-ci s'apprêtent à tuer Gasback que Vash intervient pour le sauver, malheureusement ses complices réussiront à s'enfuir avec l'argent. 20 ans plus tard Gasback décide d'exécuter sa v..

Nataly Fish

Badlands Of Dakota

Badlands Of Dakota

Brouillé avec son frère Bob pour lui avoir « volé » sa fiancée, Jim Holliday porte désormais l’étoile de shérif de Deadwood, une ville particulièrement turbulente en cette période de ruée vers l’or. Mais, à l’extérieur, il a plus encore à faire, des bandits déguisés en indiens multipliant les attaques…

Nataly Fish

Into the Badlands

Into the Badlands

A bounty hunter searches the west for a wanted outlaw named Red Roundtree.

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Lampião, Governor of the Badlands

Lampião, Governor of the Badlands

The trajectory of Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, better known as Lampião, his cultural legacy and the myths and controversies that surround him.

Nataly Fish

Trypps #7 (Badlands)

Trypps #7 (Badlands)

"TRYPPS #7 (BADLANDS) charts, through an intimate long-take, a young woman's LSD trip in the Badlands National Park before descending into a psychedelic, formal abstraction of the expansive desert landscape. Concerned with notions of the romantic sublime, phenomenological experience, and secular spiritualism, the work continues Russell's unique inv..

Nataly Fish

Desperado: Badlands Justice

Desperado: Badlands Justice

Alex McArthur returns as cowboy Duell McCall, who wanders the wide frontier in search of the one man who will clear him of a murder charge (What price Fugitive?) Once more, McCall finds himself in a corruption-ridden mining town. Since no one knows his true identity, he is able to establish a modicum of law and order, despite the concerted efforts ..

Nataly Fish

National Parks Exploration Series: The Black Hills and The Badlands - Gateway to the West

National Parks Exploration Series: The Black Hills and The Badlands - Gateway to the West

Nestled in the heart of America s great plains are contrasting tastes of a sacred land that beckons the visitor to enter the nation's mysterious and glorious West. A land of soaring pinnacles, deep canyons, hidden caves, national monuments and countless wildlife sanctuaries. It is also the place of the inglorious death of famed gunslinger, Wild Bil..

Nataly Fish

Bandits of the Badlands

Bandits of the Badlands

A re-edited, digitally colourised and re-scored version of vintage black and white Western 'Blue Steel', complete with contemporary, pulse pounding music. The re-edit brings 'Blue Steel' down to a 22 minute short version. Melgrove, the town's leading citizen, is intending to deviously buy the worthless town, which actually stands on top of a huge ..

Nataly Fish

Dugan of the Badlands

Dugan of the Badlands

Le père d'Andy étant mort dans le désert, Bill Dugan le recueille et l'adopte. Tous deux aident le shérif Manning à pourchasser Dan Kirk, son adjoint félon, et Andy est nommé suppléant...

Nataly Fish

Badlands of Kain

Badlands of Kain

Shannon and Kris embark on a cross country road trip, to put back the pieces of their strained friendship. But it all falls apart when their car breaks down in Kain, Arizona. A place where you can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave.

Nataly Fish

Law of the Badlands

Law of the Badlands

The Texas Rangers send Dave and Chito into the badlands to see if they can locate a counterfeiting operation. They arrive posing as wanted outlaws and this gets them into the gang. But as soon as they uncover the operation and locate the printing press, one of Chito's girl friends arrives to expose their identity and they find themselves trapped by..

Nataly Fish

Badlands 2005

Badlands 2005

In 1995, a severe drought forced Americans to flee the West for the cities. Water became more precious than gold. Now in 2005, settlers are coming back, meeting new challenges, and age-old adversaries. A U.S. Marshal and his cyborg partner patrol the American West. A hard-as-nails female boss heads two U.S. Marshals (one human, one bionic) in Badla..

Nataly Fish

Across the Badlands

Across the Badlands

Charles Starrett once more hits the trail as "The Durango Kid" in Columbia's Across the Badlands. By now, the formula was a well-oiled machine: Starrett becomes a lawman, is challenged by the local criminal element, and ultimately goes beyond the law as the masked Durango.

Nataly Fish

Riders of the Badlands

Riders of the Badlands

Lors d'une attaque de diligence par Collins et ses hors-la-loi, la fiancée de Lucky Barton est tuée. Barton ne pense dès lors qu'à la vengeance. Il rencontre le ranger Steve Langdon qui est le sosie de Collins. Sourd à ses protestations, il l'arrête, mais Langdon réussit à s'évader et se met à la recherche de Collins.

Nataly Fish

Badlands of Montana

Badlands of Montana

Wanting to follow in his late father's footsteps, eager reformer Steve Brewster runs for mayor of a small Montana town but is forced to flee and join a gang of notorious outlaws after he's provoked into killing two corrupt officials in self-defense. Gang leader Hammer takes Steve in, and Steve falls for his daughter, Susan, but his loyalties are di..

Nataly Fish

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